
Observations on the reproductive biology of the blackchin guitarfish, Rhinobatos Cemiculus E. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1817 (Chondrichthyes, Rhinobatidae) from the coast of Senegal (Eastern Tropical Atlantic)

Universitat de Girona

Autor: Diatta, Y.
Seck, A. A.
Diop, M.
Guélorget, O.
Data: 2015
Format: text/html
Accés al document: http://www.raco.cat/index.php/Scientia/article/view/45621
Llenguatge: cat
Editor: Universitat de Girona
Títol: Observations on the reproductive biology of the blackchin guitarfish, Rhinobatos Cemiculus E. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1817 (Chondrichthyes, Rhinobatidae) from the coast of Senegal (Eastern Tropical Atlantic)
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repositori: RACO

