Agents mòbils (Programari)
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Format | Data | TÃtol | Autor |
Format | Data | TÃtol | Autor |
2004 |
Automatic self-configuration of the logical network using distributed software agents |
Marzo i Lázaro, Josep LluÃs
; Vilà Talleda, Pere
; Bueno Delgado, Antonio
; FÃ brega i Soler, LluÃs
; Calle Ortega, Eusebi
Automatic self-configuration of the logical network using distributed software agents |
Marzo i Lázaro, Josep LluÃs
; Vilà Talleda, Pere
; Bueno Delgado, Antonio
; FÃ brega i Soler, LluÃs
; Calle Ortega, Eusebi