
Llistar Títols per Matèria "Cetacea"

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out url icon Recercat Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of classical flame retardants, related halogenated natural compounds and alternative flame retardants in three delphinids from Southern European waters Barón, Enrique ; Giménez, Joan ; Verborgh, Philippe ; Gauffier, Pauline ; de Stephanis, R. ; Eljarrat, Ethel ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
doc icon DUGiDocs 11 abril 2015 Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of classical flame retardants, related halogenated natural compounds and alternative flame retardants in three delphinids from Southern European waters Barón, Enrique ; Giménez, Joan ; Verborgh, Philippe ; Gauffier, Pauline ; De Stephanis, R. ; Eljarrat, Ethel ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
media icon DUGiMedia 17 setembre 2010 Ruido y señales acuáticas. Control y conservación de cetáceos André, Michel
out url icon Recercat Some biological data on cetaceans populations present in the western coasts of Ireland Sarrà Alarcón, Lídia
doc icon DUGiDocs febrer 2010 Some biological data on cetaceans populations present in the western coasts of Ireland Sarrà Alarcón, Lídia
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Some biological data on cetaceans populations present in the western coasts of Ireland Sarrà Alarcón, Lídia

