Comparative law -- Congresses

Listing items with Subject "Comparative law -- Congresses"

10 items found

Showing titles from 0 to 10:

media icon DUGiMedia 2019 September 12 Cooperation Agreements and Proof: A Comparative Law Perspective Mendes, Paulo de Sousa
media icon DUGiMedia 2015 January 24 El gen iusrealista de Michele Taruffo: la teoría del precedente judicial - Los presupuestos filosóficos de las pruebas neurocientíficas (A propósito de "Proceso y neurociencia. Aspectos generales" de M. Taruffo) Ferrer Beltrán, Jordi ; González Lagier, Daniel
media icon DUGiMedia 2015 January 23 Un Jurista pluridisciplinar : en torno al pensamiento de Michele Taruffo Carpi, Federico ; Dondi, Angelo
media icon DUGiMedia 2015 January 23 Mesa redonda (1) Gómora Juárez, Sandra ; Giabardo, Carlo Vittorio ; Ucín, María Carlota ; Campodoncio, Francesco
media icon DUGiMedia 2015 January 24 Mesa redonda (2) Di Donato, Flora ; Gama, Raymundo ; Dei Vecchi, Diego ; Trento, Simone
media icon DUGiMedia 2015 January 24 The perils of comparative law research - Justice, truth, and proof: not so simple, after all Allen, Ronald Jay ; Haack, Susan
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 June 2 Procedimiento abreviado en América Latina y el mundo Langer, Máximo
media icon DUGiMedia 2015 January 23 Procedure and pragmatism - El uso del precedente en el diálogo entre Cortes nacionales y transnacionales Burbank, Stephen B. ; Oteiza, Eduardo
media icon DUGiMedia 2015 January 23 Taruffo e le riforme del proceso civile - O precedente interpretativo como resposta à transformação do civil law : a contribução de Taruffo Giussani, Andrea ; Marinoni, Luiz Guilherme
media icon DUGiMedia 2015 January 24 Why asymmetric rules of procedure make it impossible to calculate a rationally warranted standard of proof Laudan, Larry

