Espectroscòpia d’impedància

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out url icon Recercat Development and characterization of polymer inclusion membranes for the separation and speciation of inorganic As species Güell Martí, Raquel ; Kolev, Spas D. ; Benavente, Juana ; Salvadó Martín, Victòria ; Fontàs Rigau, Clàudia
doc icon DUGiDocs 2011 Development and characterization of polymer inclusion membranes for the separation and speciation of inorganic As species Güell Martí, Raquel ; Kolev, Spas D. ; Benavente, Juana ; Salvadó Martín, Victòria ; Fontàs Rigau, Clàudia
out url icon Recercat Tuning physicochemical, electrochemical and transport characteristics of polymer inclusion membrane by varying the counter-anion of the ionic liquid Aliquat 336 Vera Chamorro, Ruben ; Gelde, L. ; Anticó i Daró, Ma. Enriqueta ; Martínez de Yuso, M.V. ; Benavente, Juana ; Fontàs Rigau, Clàudia
out url icon Recercat Tuning physicochemical, electrochemical and transport characteristics of polymer inclusion membrane by varying the counter-anion of the ionic liquid Aliquat 336 Vera Chamorro, Ruben ; Gelde, L. ; Anticó i Daró, Ma. Enriqueta ; Martínez de Yuso, M.V. ; Benavente, Juana ; Fontàs Rigau, Clàudia
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 maig 2017 Tuning physicochemical, electrochemical and transport characteristics of polymer inclusion membrane by varying the counter-anion of the ionic liquid Aliquat 336 Vera Chamorro, Ruben ; Gelde, L. ; Anticó i Daró, Ma. Enriqueta ; Martínez de Yuso, M.V. ; Benavente, Juana ; Fontàs Rigau, Clàudia

