Imatges digitals -- Processament

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out url icon Recercat Using digital image processing to characterize the Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder and to derive high-temporal resolution direct solar irradiance Sánchez Romero, Alejandro ; González Gutiérrez, Josep Abel ; Calbó Angrill, Josep ; Sánchez Lorenzo, Arturo
out url icon Recercat Using digital image processing to characterize the Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder and to derive high-temporal resolution direct solar irradiance Sánchez Romero, Alejandro ; González Gutiérrez, Josep Abel ; Calbó Angrill, Josep ; Sánchez Lorenzo, Arturo
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Using digital image processing to characterize the Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder and to derive high-temporal resolution direct solar irradiance
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Using digital image processing to characterize the Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder and to derive high-temporal resolution direct solar irradiance Sánchez Romero, Alejandro ; González Gutiérrez, Josep Abel ; Calbó Angrill, Josep ; Sánchez Lorenzo, Arturo
doc icon DUGiDocs 2015 Using digital image processing to characterize the Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder and to derive high-temporal resolution direct solar irradiance Sánchez Romero, Alejandro ; González Gutiérrez, Josep Abel ; Calbó Angrill, Josep ; Sánchez Lorenzo, Arturo

