
Listing items with Subject "Isotopes"

19 items found

Showing titles from 0 to 19:

out url icon Recercat Analytical methodologies based on X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF) and Inductively Couple Plasma Spectroscopy (ICP) for the assessment of metal dispersal around mining environments Marguí Grabulosa, Eva
doc icon DUGiDocs 2006 May 19 Analytical methodologies based on X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF) and Inductively Couple Plasma Spectroscopy (ICP) for the assessment of metal dispersal around mining environments Marguí Grabulosa, Eva
doc icon DUGiDocs 2005 October A compositional approach to stable isotope data analysis Tolosana Delgado, Raimon ; Otero Pérez, Neus ; Soler i Gil, Albert
out url icon Recercat A compositional approach to stable isotope data analysis Tolosana Delgado, Raimon ; Otero Pérez, Neus ; Soler i Gil, Albert
doc icon DUGiDocs 2019 June Establiment de la recta altitudinal i meteòrica del Montseny-Guilleries en base a dades hidroquímiques i isotòpiques de fonts Pruna Nieto, Sergi
out url icon Recercat 2020 February 15 Initial results of NEXT-DEMO, a large-scale prototype of the NEXT-100 experiment Álvarez Puerta, Vicente ; Borges, Filipa I.G.M. ; Cárcel García, Sara ; Castel, J. ; Cebrián, Susana ; Cervera Villanueva, Anselmo ; Conde, Carlos A.N. ; Dafni, Theopisti ; Dias, T.H.V.T ; Díaz Medina, José ; Egorov, M. ; Esteve, Raúl ; Evtoukhovitch, P. ; Fernandes, L.M.P. ; Ferrario, Paola ; Ferreira, Antonio Luis ; Freitas, Elisabete D.C. ; Gehman, Victor M. ; Gil Ortiz, Alejandro ; Goldschmidt, Azriel ; Gómez, H. ; Gómez Cadenas, Juan José ; González-Díaz, Diego ; Gutiérrez, Rafael María ; Hauptman, John M. ; Hernando Morata, J.A. ; Herrera, D.C. ; Iguaz, F.J. ; Irastorza, Igor Garcia ; Jinete, M.A. ; Labarga, Luis A. ; Laing, Andrew ; Liubarsky, Igor ; Lopes, J.A.M. ; Lorca Galindo, David ; Losada, Marta ; Luzón, Gloria ; Marí, A. ; Martín-Albo Simón, Justo ; Martínez Pérez, Alberto ; Miller, Tom P. ; Moiseenko, A. ; Monrabal Capilla, Francesc ; Monteiro, Cristina M.B. ; Mora, Francisco José ; Moutinho, L.M. ; Muñoz Vidal, J. ; Natal da Luz, H. ; Navarro, G. ; Nebot Guinot, Miquel ; Nygren, David R. ; Oliveira, Carlos A.B. ; Palma, R. ; Pérez, Javier Martin ; Pérez Aparicio, J.L. ; Renner, Joshua ; Ripoll Masferrer, Lluís ; Rodríguez, Ángel Y. ; Rodríguez Samaniego, Javier ; Santos, Filomena P. ; dos Santos, Joaquim M.F. ; Seguí, Laura ; Serra Díaz-Cano, Luis ; Shuman, Derek B. ; Simón Estévez, Ander ; Sofka, C. ; Sorel, Michel ; Toledo, J.F. ; Tomás, A. ; Torrent Collell, Jordi ; Tsamalaidze, Zviadi ; Vázquez, D. ; Veloso, João F.C.A. ; Villar, José Ángel ; Webb, R.C. ; White, James T. ; Yahlali Haddou, Nadia
doc icon DUGiDocs 2018 February 1 Isotope and microbiome data provide complementary information to identify natural nitrate attenuation processes in groundwater Hernández-del Amo, Elena ; Menció i Domingo, Anna ; Gich Batlle, Frederic ; Mas-Pla, Josep ; Bañeras Vives, Lluís
out url icon Recercat Isotope and microbiome data provide complementary information to identify natural nitrate attenuation processes in groundwater Hernández-del Amo, Elena ; Menció i Domingo, Anna ; Gich Batlle, Frederic ; Mas-Pla, Josep ; Bañeras Vives, Lluís
out url icon Recercat Isotope and microbiome data provide complementary information to identify natural nitrate attenuation processes in groundwater Hernández-del Amo, Elena ; Menció i Domingo, Anna ; Gich Batlle, Frederic ; Mas-Pla, Josep ; Bañeras Vives, Lluís
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 1 Isotope and microbiome data provide complementary information to identify natural nitrate attenuation processes in groundwater
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 5 Isotope and microbiome data provide complementary information to identify natural nitrate attenuation processes in groundwater Hernández-del Amo, Elena ; Menció i Domingo, Anna ; Gich Batlle, Frederic ; Mas-Pla, Josep ; Bañeras Vives, Lluís
out url icon Recercat Multi-isotopic and compositional exploration of factors controlling nitrate pollution Tolosana Delgado, Raimon ; Puig i Caminal, Roger ; Menció i Domingo, Anna ; Mas-Pla, Josep ; Otero Pérez, Neus ; Torrentó, C. ; Folch i Sancho, Albert ; Soler i Gil, Albert ; Bach i Plaza, Joan
doc icon DUGiDocs 2008 May 30 Multi-isotopic and compositional exploration of factors controlling nitrate pollution Tolosana Delgado, Raimon ; Puig i Caminal, Roger ; Menció i Domingo, Anna ; Mas-Pla, Josep ; Otero Pérez, Neus ; Torrentó, C. ; Folch i Sancho, Albert ; Soler i Gil, Albert ; Bach i Plaza, Joan
doc icon DUGiDocs 1998 Nova aportació al coneixement de les Fonts Picants de la Vall d’Aro mitjançant radiocarboni Clotet i Masana, M. Teresa ; Pallí i Buxó, Lluís
out url icon Recercat Nova aportació al coneixement de les Fonts Picants de la Vall d’Aro mitjançant radiocarboni Clotet i Masana, M. Teresa ; Pallí i Buxó, Lluís
out url icon Recercat Pollution assessment of arsenic in groundwater: geochemistry and analytical aspects Majunder, Santaju
doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 October 30 Pollution assessment of arsenic in groundwater: geochemistry and analytical aspects Majunder, Santaju
out url icon Recercat Selenium cycling in volcanic environments: the role of soils as reactive interfaces Floor, Geerke Henriette
doc icon DUGiDocs 2011 March 29 Selenium cycling in volcanic environments: the role of soils as reactive interfaces Floor, Geerke Henriette

