Listing items with Subject "Mastectomia"
9 items found
Showing titles from 0 to 9:
Format | Date | Title | Author |
Format | Date | Title | Author |
2022 January |
Clinical application of indocyanine green angiography in patients with early stage breast cancer undergoing mastectomy and reconstruction with autologous tissue |
Brunet Torres, ClĂ udia
2021 January |
Cost-effectiveness evaluation of the DIEP flap and the expander implant for immediate breast reconstruction after mastectomy a multicentred 10 year-retrospective cohort study |
RibaudĂ Compte, Anna
2017 November |
Efficacy of the delay procedure prior to nipple-sparing mastectomy: a randomized, controlled, open-label clinical trial |
CastellĂ Pujol, Anna
Patson Approach versus the Standard Approach for increasing breast reconstruction rates in women undergoing mastectomy. A randomized, controlled, open-label clinical trial |
Viu Duran, Sonia
2014 November |
Patson Approach versus the Standard Approach for increasing breast reconstruction rates in women undergoing mastectomy. A randomized, controlled, open-label clinical trial |
Viu Duran, Sonia
Patson Approach versus the Standard Approach for increasing breast reconstruction rates in women undergoing mastectomy. A randomized, controlled, open-label clinical trial |
Viu Duran, Sonia
2021 November |
Prophylactic external radiotherapy versus screening strategy in women with BRCA 1/2 mutation: a multicenter, randomized, open-labelled clinical trial |
BaltĂ Salvador, Jana
2018 November |
Residual breast volume a new item to improve cosmetic results in breast cancer: a prospective cohort study |
Huc Sánchez, Carla
2024 |
Valoració de l’acompanyament de la infermera de patologia mamà ria de les dones amb cà ncer mastectomitzades: projecte de recerca |
Buch Torrent, Maria