Prehistoric peoples -- Food

Listing items with Subject "Prehistoric peoples -- Food"

2 items found

Showing titles from 0 to 2:

out url icon Recercat The role of small prey in human subsistence strategies from Early Upper Palaeolithic sites in Iberia: the rabbits from the Evolved Aurignacian level of Arbreda Cave Lloveras, Lluís ; Maroto, Julià ; Soler i Subils, Joaquim ; Thomas, Richard ; Moreno García, Marta ; Nadal Lorenzo, Jordi ; Soler i Masferrer, Narcís
doc icon DUGiDocs 2016 October 1 The role of small prey in human subsistence strategies from Early Upper Palaeolithic sites in Iberia: the rabbits from the Evolved Aurignacian level of Arbreda Cave Lloveras, Lluís ; Maroto, Julià ; Soler i Subils, Joaquim ; Thomas, Richard ; Moreno García, Marta ; Nadal Lorenzo, Jordi ; Soler i Masferrer, Narcís

