Teoria de la informació
Llistar Títols per Matèria "Teoria de la informació"
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Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
4 maig 2012 |
Advanced illumination and view-selection techniques for volume rendering and its application to medical imaging |
Ruiz Altisent, Marc
Advanced illumination and view-selection techniques for volume rendering and its application to medical imaging |
Ruiz Altisent, Marc
8 octubre 2021 |
Information-Theoretic Channel for Multi-exposure Image Fusion |
Hao, Qiaohong
; Zhao, Qi
; Sbert, Mateu
; Feng, Qinghe
; Ancuti, Cosmin
; Feixas Feixas, Miquel
; Vila Duran, Marius
; Zhang, Jiawan
9 juliol 2015 |
Information theory techniques for multimedia data classification and retrieval |
Vila Duran, Marius
Information theory techniques for multimedia data classification and retrieval |
Vila Duran, Marius
20 novembre 2008 |
New medical registration and segmentation techniques using information-theoretic tools |
Bardera i Reig, Antoni
New medical registration and segmentation techniques using information-theoretic tools |
Bardera i Reig, Antoni
octubre 2022 |
Online Mapping and Motion Planning Under Uncertainty for Safe Navigation in Unknown Environments |
Pairet Artau, Èric
; Hernández Vega, Juan David
; Carreras Pérez, Marc
; Petillot, Yvan R.
; Lahijanian, Morteza
10 juliol 2015 |
Perceptual information-theoretic measures for viewpoint selection and object recognition |
Bonaventura Brugués, Xavier
Perceptual information-theoretic measures for viewpoint selection and object recognition |
Bonaventura Brugués, Xavier
5 febrer 2016 |
Study of brain complexity using information theory tools |
Bonmatí Coll, Ester
Study of brain complexity using information theory tools |
Bonmatí Coll, Ester
Tsallis Entropy for Geometry Simplification |
Castelló, Pascual
; González, Carlos
; Chover, Miguel
; Sbert, Mateu
; Feixas Feixas, Miquel
Tsallis Entropy for Geometry Simplification |
Castelló, Pascual
; González, Carlos
; Chover, Miguel
; Sbert, Mateu
; Feixas Feixas, Miquel
1 juny 2018 |
Tsallis Entropy for Geometry Simplification |
5 juny 2018 |
Tsallis Entropy for Geometry Simplification |
Castelló, Pascual
; González, Carlos
; Chover, Miguel
; Sbert, Mateu
; Feixas Feixas, Miquel
2011 |
Tsallis Entropy for Geometry Simplification |
Castelló, Pascual
; González, Carlos
; Chover, Miguel
; Sbert, Mateu
; Feixas Feixas, Miquel
Tsallis entropy-based information measures for shot boundary detection and keyframe selection |
Vila Duran, Marius
; Bardera i Reig, Antoni
; Xu, Qing
; Feixas Feixas, Miquel
; Sbert, Mateu
15 març 2013 |
Tsallis entropy-based information measures for shot boundary detection and keyframe selection |
Vila Duran, Marius
; Bardera i Reig, Antoni
; Xu, Qing
; Feixas Feixas, Miquel
; Sbert, Mateu
2002 |
Viewpoint Entropy: A New Tool for Obtaining Good Views of Molecules |
Vázquez, Pere Pau
; Feixas Feixas, Miquel
; Sbert, Mateu
; Llobet Dalmases, Antoni