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Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
2013 |
A Case-based reasoning approach to validate grammatical gender and number agreement in Spanish language |
Bacca Acosta, Jorge Luis
; Baldiris Navarro, Silvia Margarita
; Fabregat Gesa, Ramon
; Ávila Garzón, Cecilia
A Case-based reasoning approach to validate grammatical gender and number agreement in Spanish language |
Bacca Acosta, Jorge Luis
; Baldiris Navarro, Silvia Margarita
; Fabregat Gesa, Ramon
; Ávila Garzón, Cecilia
A Case-based reasoning approach to validate grammatical gender and number agreement in Spanish language |
Bacca Acosta, Jorge Luis
; Baldiris Navarro, Silvia Margarita
; Fabregat Gesa, Ramon
; Ávila Garzón, Cecilia
5 juny 2018 |
A Case-based reasoning approach to validate grammatical gender and number agreement in Spanish language |
Bacca Acosta, Jorge Luis
; Baldiris Navarro, Silvia Margarita
; Fabregat Gesa, Ramon
; Ávila Garzón, Cecilia
Social Presence Approach Within the Question and Answering eLearning Model: An Experiment with a Multi-Agent System |
Ávila Garzón, Cecilia
; Bacca Acosta, Jorge Luis
; Rosa, Josep Lluís de la
; Baldiris Navarro, Silvia Margarita
; Fabregat Gesa, Ramon
2012 |
Social Presence Approach Within the Question and Answering eLearning Model: An Experiment with a Multi-Agent System |
Ávila Garzón, Cecilia
; Bacca Acosta, Jorge Luis
; Rosa, Josep Lluís de la
; Baldiris Navarro, Silvia Margarita
; Fabregat Gesa, Ramon
Social Presence Approach Within the Question and Answering eLearning Model: An Experiment with a Multi-Agent System |
Ávila Garzón, Cecilia
; Bacca Acosta, Jorge Luis
; Rosa, Josep Lluís de la
; Baldiris Navarro, Silvia Margarita
; Fabregat Gesa, Ramon
12 juny 2018 |
Tracing the creation and evaluation of accessible Open Educational Resources through learning analytics |
Ávila Garzón, Cecilia
A web content accessibility evaluation process for learning objects in the context of a virtual learning environment |
Ávila Garzón, Cecilia
; Baldiris Navarro, Silvia Margarita
; Fabregat Gesa, Ramon
; Guevara, Juan Carlos
2014 |
A web content accessibility evaluation process for learning objects in the context of a virtual learning environment |
Ávila Garzón, Cecilia
; Baldiris Navarro, Silvia Margarita
; Fabregat Gesa, Ramon
; Guevara, Juan Carlos