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out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Patterns of statin use and cholesterol goal attainment in a high-risk cardiovascular population: A retrospective study of primary care electronic medical records García Gil, María del Mar ; Blanch, Jordi ; Comas Cufí, Marc ; Daunis i Estadella, Josep ; Bolíbar, Bonaventura ; Martí Lluch, Ruth ; Ponjoan, Anna ; Alves Cabratosa, Lia ; Ramos Blanes, Rafel
doc icon DUGiDocs 2016 Patterns of statin use and cholesterol goal attainment in a high-risk cardiovascular population: A retrospective study of primary care electronic medical records García Gil, María del Mar ; Blanch, Jordi ; Comas Cufí, Marc ; Daunis-i-Estadella, Pepus ; Bolíbar, Bonaventura ; Martí Lluch, Ruth ; Ponjoan, Anna ; Alves Cabratosa, Lia ; Ramos Blanes, Rafel
doc icon DUGiDocs juliol 2016 Predicción de dependencia en ancianos atendidos en atención primaria = Prediction of dependency in the elderly attended in primary health care Puigvert Vilalta, Margarita ; Martí Lluch, Ruth ; Ponjoan, Anna ; Ramos Blanes, Rafel
out url icon Recercat Predicción de dependencia en ancianos atendidos en atención primaria = Prediction of dependency in the elderly attended in primary health care Puigvert Vilalta, Margarita ; Martí Lluch, Ruth ; Ponjoan, Anna ; Ramos Blanes, Rafel
out url icon Recercat Predicción de dependencia en ancianos atendidos en atención primaria = Prediction of dependency in the elderly attended in primary health care Puigvert Vilalta, Margarita ; Martí Lluch, Ruth ; Ponjoan, Anna ; Ramos Blanes, Rafel
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Predicción de dependencia en ancianos atendidos en atención primaria = Prediction of dependency in the elderly attended in primary health care Puigvert Vilalta, Margarita ; Martí Lluch, Ruth ; Ponjoan, Anna ; Ramos Blanes, Rafel
doc icon DUGiDocs 12 maig 2016 Vascular structure and function and their relationship with health-related quality of life in the MARK study García Ortiz, Luís ; Recio Rodriguez, Jose I. ; Mora Simón, Sara ; Guillaumet, John ; Martí Lluch, Ruth ; Agudo Conde, Cristina ; Rodríguez Sánchez, Emiliano ; Maderuelo Fernández, José A. ; Ramos Blanes, Rafel ; Gómez Marcos, Manuel A. ; MARK Group
out url icon Recercat Vascular structure and function and their relationship with health-related quality of life in the MARK study García Ortiz, Luís ; Recio Rodriguez, Jose I. ; Mora Simón, Sara ; Guillaumet, John ; Martí Lluch, Ruth ; Agudo Conde, Cristina ; Rodríguez Sánchez, Emiliano ; Maderuelo Fernández, José A. ; Ramos Blanes, Rafel ; Gómez Marcos, Manuel A. ; MARK Group
out url icon Recercat Vascular structure and function and their relationship with health-related quality of life in the MARK study García Ortiz, Luís ; Recio Rodriguez, Jose I. ; Mora Simón, Sara ; Guillaumet, John ; Martí Lluch, Ruth ; Agudo Conde, Cristina ; Rodríguez Sánchez, Emiliano ; Maderuelo Fernández, José A. ; Ramos Blanes, Rafel ; Gómez Marcos, Manuel A. ; MARK Group
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Vascular structure and function and their relationship with health-related quality of life in the MARK study García Ortiz, Luís ; Recio Rodriguez, Jose I. ; Mora Simón, Sara ; Guillaumet, John ; Martí Lluch, Ruth ; Agudo Conde, Cristina ; Rodríguez Sánchez, Emiliano ; Maderuelo Fernández, José A. ; Ramos Blanes, Rafel ; Gómez Marcos, Manuel A. ; MARK Group
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