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Anisotropic dispersion, space competition, and the slowdown of the Neolithic transition |
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Anisotropic dispersion, space competition, and the slowdown of the Neolithic transition |
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Anisotropic dispersion, space competition, and the slowdown of the Neolithic transition |
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Anisotropic dispersion, space competition, and the slowdown of the Neolithic transition |
5 juny 2018 |
Anisotropic dispersion, space competition, and the slowdown of the Neolithic transition |
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Annealing effect on the crystal structure and exchange bias in Heusler Ni45.5Mn43.0In11.5 alloy ribbons |
González-Legarreta, L.
; Rosa, W. O.
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; Escoda i Acero, Ma. Lluïsa
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; Prida, V.M.
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2014 |
Annealing effect on the crystal structure and exchange bias in Heusler Ni45.5Mn43.0In11.5 alloy ribbons |
González-Legarreta, L.
; Rosa, W. O.
; GarcÃa Fernández, Javier
; Ipatov, Mihail
; Nazmunnahar, M.
; Escoda i Acero, Ma. Lluïsa
; Suñol MartÃnez, Joan Josep
; Prida Pidal, Victor Manuel de la
; Sommer, R.L.
; González, J.
; Leoni, M.
; Hernando, Blanca
Annealing influence on the microstructure and magnetic properties of Ni-Mn-In alloys ribbons |
González-Legarreta, L.
; Sánchez, T.
; Rosa, W. O.
; GarcÃa Fernández, Javier
; Serantes, D.
; Caballero-Flores, R.
; Prida, V.M.
; Escoda i Acero, Ma. Lluïsa
; Suñol MartÃnez, Joan Josep
; Koledov, V.
; Hernando, Blanca
1 octubre 2012 |
Annealing influence on the microstructure and magnetic properties of Ni-Mn-In alloys ribbons |
González-Legarreta, L.
; Sánchez Fernández, Tatiana
; Rosa, W. O.
; GarcÃa Fernández, Javier
; Serantes Abalo, David
; Caballero Flores, R.
; Prida Pidal, Victor Manuel de la
; Escoda i Acero, Ma. Lluïsa
; Suñol MartÃnez, Joan Josep
; Koledov, V.
; Hernando, Blanca