5 juny 2018 |
Negative results for the prediction of postprandial hypoglycemias from insulin intakes and carbohydrates: analysis and comparison with simulated data |
Dubosson, Fabien
; Mordvanyuk, Natalia
; López Ibáñez, Beatriz
; Schumacher, Michael
2017 |
Negative results for the prediction of postprandial hypoglycemias from insulin intakes and carbohydrates: analysis and comparison with simulated data |
Dubosson, Fabien
; Mordvanyuk, Natalia
; López Ibáñez, Beatriz
; Schumacher, Michael
15 febrer 2020 |
Negative results for the prediction of postprandial hypoglycemias from insulin intakes and carbohydrates: analysis and comparison with simulated data |
Dubosson, Fabien
; Mordvanyuk, Natalia
; López Ibáñez, Beatriz
; Schumacher, Michael
19 febrer 2009 |
Nous factors inflamatoris de la diabetis tipus 2: SP-D, SP-A, a-Defensives i visfatina |
Chico Julià, Berta
Nous factors inflamatoris de la diabetis tipus 2: SP-D, SP-A, a-Defensives i visfatina |
Chico Julià, Berta
15 febrer 2020 |
A novel, adaptive decision support system for diabetes self-management using artificial intelligence and mathematical modelling [Pòster] |
PEPPER (Patient Empowerment through Predictive PERsonalised decision support)
; Oxford Brookes University
; Imperial college London
; Universitat de Girona
; Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Girona (IdIBGi)
21 març 2019 |
A novel, adaptive decision support system for diabetes self-management using artificial intelligence and mathematical modelling [Pòster] |
PEPPER (Patient Empowerment through Predictive PERsonalised decision support)
; Oxford Brookes University
; Imperial college London
; Universitat de Girona
; Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Girona (IdIBGi)
febrer 2017 |
A Novel Meal Detection Algorithm for an Artificial Pancreas [Pòster] |
Ramkissoon, Charrise Mary
; Herrero i Viñas, Pau
; Bondia, Jorge
; Vehí, Josep
2014 |
Oncobiguanides: Paracelsus’ law and nonconventional routes for administering diabetobiguanides for cancer treatment |
Menéndez Menéndez, Javier Abel
; Quirantes Piné, Rosa
; Rodríguez Gallego, Esther
; Cufí González, Sílvia
; Corominas Faja, Bruna
; Cuyàs, Elisabet
; Bosch Barrera, Joaquim
; Martin Castillo, Begoña
; Segura Carretero, Antonio
; Joven, Jorge
Oncobiguanides: Paracelsus’ law and nonconventional routes for administering diabetobiguanides for cancer treatment |
Menéndez Menéndez, Javier Abel
; Quirantes Piné, Rosa
; Rodríguez Gallego, Esther
; Cufí González, Sílvia
; Corominas Faja, Bruna
; Cuyàs, Elisabet
; Bosch Barrera, Joaquim
; Martin Castillo, Begoña
; Segura Carretero, Antonio
; Joven, Jorge
Oncobiguanides: Paracelsus’ law and nonconventional routes for administering diabetobiguanides for cancer treatment |
Menéndez Menéndez, Javier Abel
; Quirantes Piné, Rosa
; Rodríguez Gallego, Esther
; Cufí González, Sílvia
; Corominas Faja, Bruna
; Cuyàs, Elisabet
; Bosch Barrera, Joaquim
; Martin Castillo, Begoña
; Segura Carretero, Antonio
; Joven, Jorge
1 juny 2018 |
Oncobiguanides: Paracelsus’ law and nonconventional routes for administering diabetobiguanides for cancer treatment |
5 juny 2018 |
Oncobiguanides: Paracelsus’ law and nonconventional routes for administering diabetobiguanides for cancer treatment |
Menéndez Menéndez, Javier Abel
; Quirantes Piné, Rosa
; Rodríguez Gallego, Esther
; Cufí González, Sílvia
; Corominas Faja, Bruna
; Cuyàs, Elisabet
; Bosch Barrera, Joaquim
; Martin Castillo, Begoña
; Segura Carretero, Antonio
; Joven, Jorge
A PDE approach of inflammatory phase dynamics in diabetic wounds |
Cónsul, N.
; Oliva, S.M.
; Pellicer Sabadí, Marta
2014 |
A PDE approach of inflammatory phase dynamics in diabetic wounds |
Cónsul, N.
; Oliva, S.M.
; Pellicer Sabadí, Marta
15 febrer 2020 |
PEPPER: Patient Empowerment Through Predictive Personalised Decision Support |
Herrero, Pau
; López Ibáñez, Beatriz
; Martin, Clare
29 agost 2016 |
PEPPER: Patient Empowerment Through Predictive Personalised Decision Support |
Herrero i Viñas, Pau
; López Ibáñez, Beatriz
; Martin, Clare
febrer 2020 |
The PEPPER System Application Program Interface [Pòster] |
Herrero i Viñas, Pau
; Massana i Raurich, Joaquim
; Leal Moncada, Yenny Teresa
; Nita, Lucian
; Avari, Parizad
; Duce, David
; Aldea, Arantza
; Georgiou, Pantelis
; Fernández-Real Lemos, José Manuel
; Fernández-Balsells, Mercè
; Oliver, Nick
; López Ibáñez, Beatriz
; Martin, Clare
15 febrer 2020 |
Personalised Clinical Decision Support For Diabetes Management Using Real-time Data [Pòster] |
Martin, Clare
; Aldea, Arantza
; Brown, Daniel
; Duce, D.
; Fernández-Real Lemos, José Manuel
; Gay Sacristán, Pablo
; Georgiou, Pantelis
; Harrison, R.
; Herrero, Pau
; Innocenti, Bianca
; López Ibáñez, Beatriz
; Leal Moncada, Yenny Teresa
; Nita, Lucian
; Pesl, Peter
; Petite, Roberto
; Reddy, Monika
; Shapley, Julian
; Torrent-Fontbona, Ferran
; Waite, Marion
; Wos, Marzena
; Oliver, Nick
2017 |
Personalised Clinical Decision Support For Diabetes Management Using Real-time Data [Pòster] |
Martin, Clare
; Aldea, Arantza
; Brown, Daniel
; Duce, David
; Fernández-Real Lemos, José Manuel
; Gay Sacristán, Pablo
; Georgiou, Pantelis
; Harrison, R.
; Herrero i Viñas, Pau
; Innocenti, Bianca
; López Ibáñez, Beatriz
; Leal Moncada, Yenny Teresa
; Nita, Lucian
; Pesl, Peter
; Petite, Roberto
; Reddy, Monika
; Shapley, Julian
; Torrent-Fontbona, Ferran
; Waite, Marion
; Wos, Marzena
; Oliver, Nick
Postprandial response improvement via safety layer in closed-loop blood glucose controllers |
Garelli, Fabricio
; León Vargas, Fabian Mauricio
; Garelli, Fabricio
; Battista, Hernán de
; Vehí, Josep
1 gener 2015 |
Postprandial response improvement via safety layer in closed-loop blood glucose controllers |
León Vargas, Fabian Mauricio
; Garelli, Fabricio
; Battista, Hernán de
; Vehí, Josep
20 setembre 2023 |
Predicción probabilística de estados glucémicos para pacientes con diabetes tipo 1 mediante el análisis de datos composicionales |
Cabrera Tejera, Alvis
gener 2024 |
Predicting adverse maternal obstetric outcomes in pregestational diabetes mellitus with ultrasound, metabolic, and maternal demographic factors: a prospective cohort study |
López de Moragas, Laura
Prediction of glucose excursions under uncertain parameters and food intake in intensive insulin therapy for type 1 diabetes mellitus |
Calm i Puig, Remei
; García Jaramillo, Maira Alejandra
; Vehí i Casellas, Josep
; Bondía Company, Jorge
; Tarin Sauer, Cristina
; García-Gabín, Winston