Application of compositional data analysis to geochemical data of marine sediments |
Burger, H.
; Kuhn, T.
28 maig 2008 |
Application of compositional data analysis to geochemical data of marine sediments |
Burger, H.
; Kuhn, T.
Compositional methods for estimating elemental concentrations below the limit of detection in practice using R |
Palarea Albaladejo, Javier
; Martín Fernández, Josep Antoni
; Buccianti, Antonella
juny 2014 |
Compositional methods for estimating elemental concentrations below the limit of detection in practice using R |
Palarea Albaladejo, Javier
; Martín Fernández, Josep Antoni
; Buccianti, Antonella
16 octubre 2003 |
Exploration of geological variability and possible processes through the use of compositional data analysis: an example using scottish metamorphosed |
Thomas, C.W.
; Aitchison, John
Exploration of geological variability and possible processes through the use of compositional data analysis: an example using scottish metamorphosed |
Thomas, C.W.
; Aitchison, John
11 maig 2011 |
Geochemistry Versus Grain-size Relations of Sediments in the Light of comminution, chemical alteration, and contrasting source rocks |
Eynatten, Hilmar von
; Tolosana Delgado, Raimon
Geochemistry Versus Grain-size Relations of Sediments in the Light of comminution, chemical alteration, and contrasting source rocks |
Eynatten, Hilmar von
; Tolosana Delgado, Raimon
Geochemistry Versus Grain-size Relations of Sediments in the Light of comminution, chemical alteration, and contrasting source rocks |
Eynatten, Hilmar von
; Tolosana Delgado, Raimon
1 juny 2018 |
Geochemistry Versus Grain-size Relations of Sediments in the Light of comminution, chemical alteration, and contrasting source rocks |
5 juny 2018 |
Geochemistry Versus Grain-size Relations of Sediments in the Light of comminution, chemical alteration, and contrasting source rocks |
Eynatten, Hilmar von
; Tolosana Delgado, Raimon
Inference of distributional parameters from compositional samples containing nondetects |
Olea, Ricardo A.
27 maig 2008 |
Inference of distributional parameters from compositional samples containing nondetects |
Olea, Ricardo A.
Methods to investigate the geochemistry of groundwaters with values for nitrogen compounds below the detection limit |
Buccianti, Antonella
; Nisi, Barbara
; Martín Fernández, Josep Antoni
; Palarea Albaladejo, Javier
juny 2014 |
Methods to investigate the geochemistry of groundwaters with values for nitrogen compounds below the detection limit |
Buccianti, Antonella
; Nisi, Barbara
; Martín Fernández, Josep Antoni
; Palarea Albaladejo, Javier
11 maig 2011 |
Modeling Composition of Ca-Fe-Mg Carbonates in a Natural CO2 Reservoir |
Bicocchi, G.
; Montegrossi, Giordano
; Ruggieri, G.
; Buccianti, Antonella
; Vaselli, Orlando
Modeling Composition of Ca-Fe-Mg Carbonates in a Natural CO2 Reservoir |
Bicocchi, G.
; Montegrossi, Giordano
; Ruggieri, G.
; Buccianti, Antonella
; Vaselli, Orlando
Modeling Composition of Ca-Fe-Mg Carbonates in a Natural CO2 Reservoir |
Bicocchi, G.
; Montegrossi, Giordano
; Ruggieri, G.
; Buccianti, Antonella
; Vaselli, Orlando
1 juny 2018 |
Modeling Composition of Ca-Fe-Mg Carbonates in a Natural CO2 Reservoir |
5 juny 2018 |
Modeling Composition of Ca-Fe-Mg Carbonates in a Natural CO2 Reservoir |
Bicocchi, G.
; Montegrossi, Giordano
; Ruggieri, G.
; Buccianti, Antonella
; Vaselli, Orlando
16 octubre 2003 |
Monitoring procedures in environmental geochemistry and compositional data analysis theory |
Buccianti, Antonella
; Vaselli, Orlando
; Nisi, Barbara
; Minissale, Angelo
; Tassi, Franco
Monitoring procedures in environmental geochemistry and compositional data analysis theory |
Buccianti, Antonella
; Vaselli, Orlando
; Nisi, Barbara
; Minissale, Angelo
; Tassi, Franco
11 maig 2011 |
Ordinary Cokriging of Additive Log-Ratios for Estimating Grades in Iron Ore Deposits |
Boezio, M.N.M.
; Costa, J.F.C.L.
; Koppe, J.C.
Ordinary Cokriging of Additive Log-Ratios for Estimating Grades in Iron Ore Deposits |
Boezio, M.N.M.
; Costa, J.F.C.L.
; Koppe, J.C.
Ordinary Cokriging of Additive Log-Ratios for Estimating Grades in Iron Ore Deposits |
Boezio, M.N.M.
; Costa, J.F.C.L.
; Koppe, J.C.