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out url icon Recercat 2018 June 1 SLAM using an Imaging Sonar for Partially Structured Underwater Environments
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 5 SLAM using an Imaging Sonar for Partially Structured Underwater Environments Ribas Romagós, David ; Ridao Rodríguez, Pere ; Neira Parra, José ; Tardós, Juan Domingo
doc icon DUGiDocs 2006 SLAM using an Imaging Sonar for Partially Structured Underwater Environments Ribas Romagós, David ; Ridao Rodríguez, Pere ; Neira Parra, José ; Tardós, Juan Domingo
out url icon Recercat 2020 February 15 SLAM using an Imaging Sonar for Partially Structured Underwater Environments Ribas Romagós, David ; Ridao Rodríguez, Pere ; Neira Parra, José ; Tardós, Juan Domingo
out url icon Recercat SLAM With Dynamic Targets via Single-Cluster PHD Filtering Lee, Chee Sing ; Clark, Daniel E. ; Salvi, Joaquim
doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 SLAM With Dynamic Targets via Single-Cluster PHD Filtering Lee, Chee Sing ; Clark, Daniel E. ; Salvi, Joaquim
doc icon DUGiDocs 2010 Small scale underwater change detection Delaunoy, Olivier ; Grácias, Nuno Ricardo Estrela ; García Campos, Rafael
out url icon Recercat Small scale underwater change detection Delaunoy, Olivier ; Grácias, Nuno Ricardo Estrela ; García Campos, Rafael
out url icon Recercat Small scale underwater change detection Delaunoy, Olivier ; Grácias, Nuno Ricardo Estrela ; García Campos, Rafael
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 1 Small scale underwater change detection
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 5 Small scale underwater change detection Delaunoy, Olivier ; Grácias, Nuno Ricardo Estrela ; García Campos, Rafael
out url icon Recercat Smooth shadow boundaries with exponentially warped Gaussian filtering Gumbau, Jesús ; Sbert, Mateu ; Szirmay-Kalos, László ; Chover, Miguel ; González, Carlos
doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 Smooth shadow boundaries with exponentially warped Gaussian filtering Gumbau, Jesús ; Sbert, Mateu ; Szirmay-Kalos, László ; Chover, Miguel ; González, Carlos
out url icon Recercat Structure, temporal evolution, and heat flux estimates from the Lucky Strike deep-sea hydrothermal field derived from seafloor image mosaics Barreyre, Thibaut ; Escartín, Javier ; García Campos, Rafael ; Cannat, Mathilde ; Mittelstaedt, Eric ; Prados Gutiérrez, Ricard
out url icon Recercat Structure, temporal evolution, and heat flux estimates from the Lucky Strike deep-sea hydrothermal field derived from seafloor image mosaics Barreyre, Thibaut ; Escartín, Javier ; García Campos, Rafael ; Cannat, Mathilde ; Mittelstaedt, Eric ; Prados Gutiérrez, Ricard
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 1 Structure, temporal evolution, and heat flux estimates from the Lucky Strike deep-sea hydrothermal field derived from seafloor image mosaics
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 5 Structure, temporal evolution, and heat flux estimates from the Lucky Strike deep-sea hydrothermal field derived from seafloor image mosaics Barreyre, Thibaut ; Escartín, Javier ; García Campos, Rafael ; Cannat, Mathilde ; Mittelstaedt, Eric ; Prados Gutiérrez, Ricard
out url icon Recercat 2020 February 15 Structure, temporal evolution, and heat flux estimates from the Lucky Strike deep-sea hydrothermal field derived from seafloor image mosaics Barreyre, Thibaut ; Escartín, Javier ; García Campos, Rafael ; Cannat, Mathilde ; Mittelstaedt, Eric ; Prados Gutiérrez, Ricard
doc icon DUGiDocs 2012 April Structure, temporal evolution, and heat flux estimates from the Lucky Strike deep-sea hydrothermal field derived from seafloor image mosaics Barreyre, Thibaut ; Escartín, Javier ; García Campos, Rafael ; Cannat, Mathilde ; Mittelstaedt, Eric ; Prados Gutiérrez, Ricard
doc icon DUGiDocs 1996 A system to reduce the effect of CCDs saturation Regincós i Isern, Jordi ; Batlle i Grabulosa, Joan
out url icon Recercat A system to reduce the effect of CCDs saturation Regincós i Isern, Jordi ; Batlle i Grabulosa, Joan
doc icon DUGiDocs 2022 June Tècniques de Deep Learning per la síntesi d’imatges. Aplicació a la restauració d’imatges. Perez Ruchat, Bryan Miguel
out url icon Recercat A toolbox for multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation Roura Perez, Eloy ; Oliver i Malagelada, Arnau ; Cabezas Grebol, Mariano ; Valverde Valverde, Sergi ; Pareto, Deborah ; Vilanova Busquets, Joan Carles ; Ramió i Torrentà, Lluís ; Rovira, Àlex ; Lladó Bardera, Xavier
doc icon DUGiDocs 2015 July 31 A toolbox for multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation Roura Perez, Eloy ; Oliver i Malagelada, Arnau ; Cabezas Grebol, Mariano ; Valverde Valverde, Sergi ; Pareto, Deborah ; Vilanova, Joan Carles ; Ramió i Torrentà, Lluís ; Rovira, Àlex ; Lladó Bardera, Xavier
doc icon DUGiDocs 2003 Towards a real-time vision-based navigation system for a small-class UUV García Campos, Rafael ; Nicosevici, Tudor ; Ridao Rodríguez, Pere ; Ribas Romagós, David
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