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Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
27 juliol 2018 |
Analysis and development of experimental characterization methodologies of mode II fracture toughness on CFRP bonded joints |
Pérez Galmés, Magdalena
17 juliol 2015 |
Analysis and optimization of composite stringers |
Badalló i Cañellas, Pere
Analysis and optimization of composite stringers |
Badalló i Cañellas, Pere
18 abril 2005 |
Analysis and Simulation of Transverse Random Fracture of Long Fibre Reinforced Composites |
Trias Mansilla, Daniel
Analysis and Simulation of Transverse Random Fracture of Long Fibre Reinforced Composites |
Trias Mansilla, Daniel
17 gener 2020 |
A constitutive model for fatigue and residual strength predictions of composite laminates |
Llobet Vallejo, Jordi
7 setembre 2018 |
Development of efficient numerical models for the simulation of low velocity impact and compression after impact on composite structures |
Soto Masip, Albert
17 juliol 2019 |
Development of efficient testing methods and cohesive zone models for analyzing fatigue-driven delamination in 3D laminated composite structures |
Carreras Blasco, Laura
27 abril 2007 |
Modelización constitutiva y computacional del daño y la fractura de materiales compuestos |
Maimí Vert, Pere
Modelización constitutiva y computacional del daño y la fractura de materiales compuestos |
Maimí Vert, Pere