Millora d’un prototipus de control de qualitat de producció de paper pintat basat en visió per computador |
Lozano Albacete, Ivan
2007 |
Mobile Robot Local Predictive Control under Perception Constraints |
Pacheco Valls, LluÃs
; Luo, Ningsu
; Ferrer Vila, Jordi
Mobile Robot Local Predictive Control under Perception Constraints |
Pacheco Valls, LluÃs
; Luo, Ningsu
; Ferrer Vila, Jordi
29 setembre 2003 |
Modelling stereoscopic vision systems for robotic applications |
Armangué Quintana, Xavier
Modelling stereoscopic vision systems for robotic applications |
Armangué Quintana, Xavier
2005 |
Monocular-based 3-D seafloor reconstruction and ortho-mosaicing by piecewise planar representation |
Nicosevici, Tudor
; Negahdaripour, Shahriar
; GarcÃa Campos, Rafael
Monocular-based 3-D seafloor reconstruction and ortho-mosaicing by piecewise planar representation |
Nicosevici, Tudor
; Negahdaripour, Shahriar
; GarcÃa Campos, Rafael
16 novembre 2018 |
Motion annotation in complex video datasets |
Muhammad Habib, Mahmood
2000 |
A new approach to segmentation based on fusing circumscribed contours, region growing and clustering |
Muñoz Pujol, Xavier
; Cufà i Solé, Xavier
; Freixenet i Bosch, Jordi
; Martà BonmatÃ, Joan
A new approach to segmentation based on fusing circumscribed contours, region growing and clustering |
Muñoz Pujol, Xavier
; Cufà i Solé, Xavier
; Freixenet i Bosch, Jordi
; Martà BonmatÃ, Joan
2004 |
A new optimised De Bruijn coding strategy for structured light patterns |
Pagès Marco, Jordi
; Salvi, Joaquim
; Forest Collado, Josep
A new optimised De Bruijn coding strategy for structured light patterns |
Pagès Marco, Jordi
; Salvi Mas, Joaquim
; Forest, Josep
2006 |
Object and Scene Classification: what does a Supervised Approach Provide us? |
Bosch Rué, Anna
; Muñoz Pujol, Xavier
; Oliver i Malagelada, Arnau
; Martà Marly, Robert
Object and Scene Classification: what does a Supervised Approach Provide us? |
Bosch Rué, Anna
; Muñoz Pujol, Xavier
; Oliver i Malagelada, Arnau
; Martà Marly, Robert
2005 |
Omnidirectional Depth Computation from a Single Image |
Orghidan, Radu
; Mouaddib, El Mustapha
; Salvi, Joaquim
Omnidirectional Depth Computation from a Single Image |
Orghidan, Radu
; Mouaddib, El Mustapha
; Salvi Mas, Joaquim
One-shot absolute pattern for dense reconstruction using DeBruijn coding and Windowed Fourier Transform |
Fernández Navarro, Sergio
; Salvi, Joaquim
2013 |
One-shot absolute pattern for dense reconstruction using DeBruijn coding and Windowed Fourier Transform |
Fernández Navarro, Sergio
; Salvi, Joaquim
22 juny 2012 |
One-shot pattern projection for dense and accurate 3D reconstruction in structured light |
Fernández Navarro, Sergio
One-shot pattern projection for dense and accurate 3D reconstruction in structured light |
Fernández Navarro, Sergio
2008 |
Online Robust 3D Mapping Using Structure from Motion Cues |
Nicosevici, Tudor
; GarcÃa Campos, Rafael
Online Robust 3D Mapping Using Structure from Motion Cues |
Nicosevici, Tudor
; GarcÃa Campos, Rafael
2002 |
On the way to solve lighting problems in underwater imaging |
GarcÃa Campos, Rafael
; Nicosevici, Tudor
; Cufà i Solé, Xavier
On the way to solve lighting problems in underwater imaging |
GarcÃa Campos, Rafael
; Nicosevici, Tudor
; Cufà Solé, Xavier
setembre 2006 |
Optimització de la tècnica del miralls mà gics a partir de mesures de teoria de la informació |
Ruiz Altisent, Marc