
Efectivitat d’un programa d’intervencions infermeres en la millora del trastorn d’ansietat generalitzada: projecte de recerca

Introduction: mental health disorders have a high prevalence throughout the world and may provoke moderate or severe disability. The most common mental health disorders are anxiety disorders and depressive disorders. Anxiety disorders are characterized by somatic and cognitive symptoms. This study focuses on the generalized anxiety disorder, which is defined by excessive, persistent and uncontrollable worries about different aspects of life. The nursing role advocates to tend to people from a holistic perspective, taking into account the different human facets and the environment of each person. It is from this nursing paradigm that this study builds its interventions directed to those who suffer a generalized anxiety disorder. Objectives: the aim of this project is to evaluate the efectiveness of a nursing program, which integrates physical, psychological, emotional, social and spiritual interventions in order to improve the symptomatology and quality of life of those people diagnosed with a generalized anxiety disorder. Methods: 50 people diagnosed with a generalized anxiety disorder will be chosen to participate in a randomized quasi experimental pre-post intervention study. Quantitative and qualitative methodology will be used, through six questionnaires and focal groups to measure quality of life, respectively. The study will be carried out at a mental health service located in Girona, which is called Centre de Salut Mental d’Adults del Gironès i el Pla de l’Estany. Applicability of the results: this study may contribute to demonstrate the effectiveness of treating each person from a holistic perspective. Furthermore, it may reflect the wide variety of interventions that nursing can offer in order to improve the lives of people suffering from an anxiety disorder

Director: Bertran i Noguer, Carme
Altres contribucions: Universitat de Girona. Facultat d’Infermeria
Autor: Moreno Carreras, Laura
Data: 2019
Resum: Introduction: mental health disorders have a high prevalence throughout the world and may provoke moderate or severe disability. The most common mental health disorders are anxiety disorders and depressive disorders. Anxiety disorders are characterized by somatic and cognitive symptoms. This study focuses on the generalized anxiety disorder, which is defined by excessive, persistent and uncontrollable worries about different aspects of life. The nursing role advocates to tend to people from a holistic perspective, taking into account the different human facets and the environment of each person. It is from this nursing paradigm that this study builds its interventions directed to those who suffer a generalized anxiety disorder. Objectives: the aim of this project is to evaluate the efectiveness of a nursing program, which integrates physical, psychological, emotional, social and spiritual interventions in order to improve the symptomatology and quality of life of those people diagnosed with a generalized anxiety disorder. Methods: 50 people diagnosed with a generalized anxiety disorder will be chosen to participate in a randomized quasi experimental pre-post intervention study. Quantitative and qualitative methodology will be used, through six questionnaires and focal groups to measure quality of life, respectively. The study will be carried out at a mental health service located in Girona, which is called Centre de Salut Mental d’Adults del Gironès i el Pla de l’Estany. Applicability of the results: this study may contribute to demonstrate the effectiveness of treating each person from a holistic perspective. Furthermore, it may reflect the wide variety of interventions that nursing can offer in order to improve the lives of people suffering from an anxiety disorder
Format: application/pdf
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/10256/17565
Llenguatge: cat
Col·lecció: Infermeria (TFG)
Drets: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
URI Drets: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
Matèria: Ansietat -- Tractament
Anxiety -- Treatment
Salut mental
Mental health
Infermeria -- Aspectes psicològics
Nursing -- Psychological aspects
Qualitat de vida
Quality of life
Títol: Efectivitat d’un programa d’intervencions infermeres en la millora del trastorn d’ansietat generalitzada: projecte de recerca
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Repositori: DUGiDocs

