
Aplicación de las técnicas de inmunoensayo (ELISA) para el muestreo de atrazina y sus productos de degradación en aguas del acuífero y de la zona no saturada: aplicación al Empordá (Girona)

V Congreso Geológico de España, Alicante, 10-14 julio, 2000

A sensitive Enzime Lynked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA) based on policlonal antibodies was tested in a water sampling exercise at field scale. In the absence of deethylatrazine (DEA), results indicate that the method is useful for the determination of atrazine concentrations ranged between 0 ,1 and 10 pg/l. When compared with gas chromatographic analysis, ELISA overestimates atrazine concentration. If these tests are used as a semiquantitative screening tool, this tendency for overprediction does not diminish the test’s usefulness. The test appears to be a valuable method for monitoring triazine herbicides in water samples from wells and soil water suction cups

Sociedad Geológica de España

Author: Candela, Lucila
Cortés, Àtica
Hidalgo Muñoz, Manuela
Salvadó Martín, Victòria
Date: 2000
Abstract: V Congreso Geológico de España, Alicante, 10-14 julio, 2000
A sensitive Enzime Lynked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA) based on policlonal antibodies was tested in a water sampling exercise at field scale. In the absence of deethylatrazine (DEA), results indicate that the method is useful for the determination of atrazine concentrations ranged between 0 ,1 and 10 pg/l. When compared with gas chromatographic analysis, ELISA overestimates atrazine concentration. If these tests are used as a semiquantitative screening tool, this tendency for overprediction does not diminish the test’s usefulness. The test appears to be a valuable method for monitoring triazine herbicides in water samples from wells and soil water suction cups
Format: application/pdf
Document access:
Language: spa
Publisher: Sociedad Geológica de España
Collection: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/issn/1576-5172
Rights: Tots els drets reservats
Subject: Aigües subterrànies
Aigua -- Anàlisi
Water -- Analysis
Title: Aplicación de las técnicas de inmunoensayo (ELISA) para el muestreo de atrazina y sus productos de degradación en aguas del acuífero y de la zona no saturada: aplicación al Empordá (Girona)
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repository: DUGiDocs

