
L’Escola bressol com a motor per la igualtat d’oportunitats : una proposta metodològica

In this article, I will try to come up with a methodology for the purpose of carrying out a scientific study which allows me to analyse if access to nurseries contributes to equalize life chances

Manager: Bernat Molina, Ignasi
Author: Juanola Aulet, Marc
Abstract: In this article, I will try to come up with a methodology for the purpose of carrying out a scientific study which allows me to analyse if access to nurseries contributes to equalize life chances
Document access:
Language: cat
Rights: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Spain
Rights URI:
Subject: Educació infantil -- Catalunya
Infants pobres -- Catalunya
Igualtat -- Catalunya
Marginació social -- Catalunya
Education, Preschool -- Catalonia
Child poverty -- Catalonia
Equality -- Catalonia
Marginality, Social -- Catalonia
Title: L’Escola bressol com a motor per la igualtat d’oportunitats : una proposta metodològica
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Repository: Recercat

