
Reconfigurable AUV for intervention missions: a case study on underwater object recovery

Starting in January 2009, the RAUVI (Reconfigurable Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Intervention Missions) project is a 3-year coordinated research action funded by the Spanish Ministry of Research and Innovation. In this paper, the state of progress after 2 years of continuous research is reported. As a first experimental validation of the complete system, a search and recovery problem is addressed, consisting of finding and recovering a flight data recorder placed at an unknown position at the bottom of a water tank. An overview of the techniques used to successfully solve the problem in an autonomous way is provided. The obtained results are very promising and are the first step toward the final test in shallow water at the end of 2011

This research was partly supported by Spanish Ministry of Research and Innovation DPI2008-06548-C01-02-03 (RAUVI Project), by the European Commissions Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 underGrant agreement 248497 (TRIDENT Project), by Fundació Caixa Castelló-Bancaixa P1-1B2009-50, and by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (MCINN Grant CTM2010-15216), Ramon Y Cajal Program (N. Gracias) and the FPI program (R. Campos)

Springer Verlag

Director: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Espanya)
Autor: Prats, Mario
Campos Dausà, Ricard
Ribas Romagós, David
Palomeras Rovira, Narcís
García, Juan Carlos
Nannen, Volker
Wirth, Stephan
Fernández, José Javier
Beltran Amengual, J.P.
Campos Dausà, Ricard
Ridao Rodríguez, Pere
Sanz, Pedro José
Oliver Codina, Gabriel
Carreras Pérez, Marc
Grácias, Nuno Ricardo Estrela
Marín, Raúl Gella
Ortiz, Alberto
Resum: Starting in January 2009, the RAUVI (Reconfigurable Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Intervention Missions) project is a 3-year coordinated research action funded by the Spanish Ministry of Research and Innovation. In this paper, the state of progress after 2 years of continuous research is reported. As a first experimental validation of the complete system, a search and recovery problem is addressed, consisting of finding and recovering a flight data recorder placed at an unknown position at the bottom of a water tank. An overview of the techniques used to successfully solve the problem in an autonomous way is provided. The obtained results are very promising and are the first step toward the final test in shallow water at the end of 2011
This research was partly supported by Spanish Ministry of Research and Innovation DPI2008-06548-C01-02-03 (RAUVI Project), by the European Commissions Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 underGrant agreement 248497 (TRIDENT Project), by Fundació Caixa Castelló-Bancaixa P1-1B2009-50, and by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (MCINN Grant CTM2010-15216), Ramon Y Cajal Program (N. Gracias) and the FPI program (R. Campos)
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/2072/297016
Llenguatge: eng
Editor: Springer Verlag
Drets: Tots els drets reservats
Matèria: Robots autònoms
Autonomous robots
Interfícies gràfiques d’usuari (Informàtica)
Graphical user interfaces (Computer systems)
Vehicles submergibles
Títol: Reconfigurable AUV for intervention missions: a case study on underwater object recovery
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repositori: Recercat

