Comportamiento adherente

Listing items with Subject "Comportamiento adherente"

5 items found

Showing titles from 0 to 5:

doc icon DUGiDocs 2015 October 20 Bond-slip and cracking behaviour of glass fibre reinforced polymer reinforced concrete tensile members Vilanova Marco, Irene
out url icon Recercat Bond-slip and cracking behaviour of glass fibre reinforced polymer reinforced concrete tensile members Vilanova Marco, Irene
doc icon DUGiDocs 2021 May 11 Estudio de la influencia de los factores ambientales en el comportamiento de la uni贸n adhesiva entre hormig贸n y barras FRP NSM Duran Sureda, Imma
doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 December 12 A study of the bond and flexural behaviour of reinforced concrete elements strengthened with near surface mounted (NSM) FRP reinforcement Attia Abdelgayed Abdelgawad Sharaky, Ibrahim
out url icon Recercat A study of the bond and flexural behaviour of reinforced concrete elements strengthened with near surface mounted (NSM) FRP reinforcement Attia Abdelgayed Abdelgawad Sharaky, Ibrahim

