
Llistar Títols per Matèria "Llums"

S'han trobat 39 ítems

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doc icon DUGiDocs 25 novembre 2005 Assisted visual servoing by means of structured light Pagès Marco, Jordi
out url icon Recercat Assisted visual servoing by means of structured light Pagès Marco, Jordi
doc icon DUGiDocs 24 juliol 2006 Catadioptric stereo based on structured light projection Orghidan, Radu
out url icon Recercat Catadioptric stereo based on structured light projection Orghidan, Radu
doc icon DUGiDocs 2015 La ciència de la llum i el color Alcalde Bru, Albert
out url icon Recercat Combined correlated and importance sampling in direct light source computation and environment mapping Szécsi, László ; Sbert, Mateu ; Szirmay-Kalos, László
doc icon DUGiDocs 27 agost 2004 Combined correlated and importance sampling in direct light source computation and environment mapping Szécsi, László ; Sbert, Mateu ; Szirmay-Kalos, László
doc icon DUGiDocs 18 desembre 2002 Efectes del fotoperíode sobre la qualitat espermàtica de mascles porcins Sus domesticus Sancho Badell, Sílvia
out url icon Recercat Efectes del fotoperíode sobre la qualitat espermàtica de mascles porcins Sus domesticus Sancho Badell, Sílvia
out url icon Recercat Fast Inverse Reflector Design (FIRD) Mas Baixeras, Albert ; Martín Campos, Ignacio ; Patow, Gustavo
out url icon Recercat Fast Inverse Reflector Design (FIRD) Mas Baixeras, Albert ; Martín Campos, Ignacio ; Patow, Gustavo
doc icon DUGiDocs 2009 Fast Inverse Reflector Design (FIRD) Mas Baixeras, Albert ; Martín Campos, Ignacio ; Patow, Gustavo
doc icon DUGiDocs setembre 2014 Il·luminART-e: festival de llum de Girona Gallofré Suari, Fiona
doc icon DUGiDocs 2011 Imaging polarimetry of the fogbow: polarization characteristics of white rainbows measured in the high Arctic Horváth, Gábor ; Hegedüs, Ramon ; Barta, András ; Farkas, Alexandra ; Åkesson, Susanne
out url icon Recercat Imaging polarimetry of the fogbow: polarization characteristics of white rainbows measured in the high Arctic Horváth, Gábor ; Hegedüs, Ramon ; Barta, András ; Farkas, Alexandra ; Åkesson, Susanne
out url icon Recercat Imaging polarimetry of the fogbow: polarization characteristics of white rainbows measured in the high Arctic Horváth, Gábor ; Hegedüs, Ramon ; Barta, András ; Farkas, Alexandra ; Åkesson, Susanne
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Imaging polarimetry of the fogbow: polarization characteristics of white rainbows measured in the high Arctic
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Imaging polarimetry of the fogbow: polarization characteristics of white rainbows measured in the high Arctic Horváth, Gábor ; Hegedüs, Ramon ; Barta, András ; Farkas, Alexandra ; Åkesson, Susanne
doc icon DUGiDocs 2008 A Motion compensated filtering approach to remove sunlight flicker in shallow water images Grácias, Nuno Ricardo Estrela ; Negahdaripour, Shahriar ; Neumann, László ; Prados Gutiérrez, Ricard ; García Campos, Rafael
out url icon Recercat A Motion compensated filtering approach to remove sunlight flicker in shallow water images Grácias, Nuno Ricardo Estrela ; Negahdaripour, Shahriar ; Neumann, László ; Prados Gutiérrez, Ricard ; García Campos, Rafael
out url icon Recercat One-shot absolute pattern for dense reconstruction using DeBruijn coding and Windowed Fourier Transform Fernández Navarro, Sergio ; Salvi, Joaquim
doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 One-shot absolute pattern for dense reconstruction using DeBruijn coding and Windowed Fourier Transform Fernández Navarro, Sergio ; Salvi, Joaquim
doc icon DUGiDocs 22 juny 2012 One-shot pattern projection for dense and accurate 3D reconstruction in structured light Fernández Navarro, Sergio
out url icon Recercat One-shot pattern projection for dense and accurate 3D reconstruction in structured light Fernández Navarro, Sergio
media icon DUGiMedia 2017 Pràctica 5. Disseny d’intal·lació d’il·luminació Ginesta Prat, Ruth
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