2021 June 17 |
Advancing the concept of sense of coherence SoC |
Mayer, Claude-Hélène
; Choudry, Anuradha
; Saboga Nunes, Luis
; Srour, Anan
2021 June 17 |
Advancing the measurement of SoC (Oral session) |
Rohner, Shauna
; Portoghese, Igor
; Becker, Craig M
; Tarkó, Klára
2021 June 17 |
Agency: the hidden dimension of the salutogenic model (Workshop) |
Boonekamp, Gwendolijn
2021 June 18 |
Closing the stage: Revisiting the market places: Future research and practice in Salutogenesis incl. collaborations (Plenary) |
Bauer, Georg
; Vaandrager, Lenneke
2021 June 18 |
Crafting of Work and Nonwork Life as Proactive Salutogenic Strategy for Surviving and Thriving (Symposium) |
Bauer, Georg
; Kosenkranius, Merly
; De Bloom, Jessica
; Kerksieck, Philipp
2021 June 18 |
Digital salutogenic interventions (Oral session) |
Rosen, Leah
; De Francisco Prófumo, Seyla
; Waldfogel, Shimon
; San Pedro López, Marc de
2021 June 18 |
Discussing a Salutogenic Intervention for Enabling Healthy Eating (Workshop) |
Polhuis, Kristel
2010 February 26 |
Els Postgraus i mà sters europeus |
Planes Pedra, Montserrat
2010 February 26 |
Els Postgraus i mà sters europeus |
Planes Pedra, Montserrat
2021 June 17 |
Emerging empirical findings related to SoC (Oral session) |
Vega MartÃnez, MarÃa del Carmen
; Schäfer, Sarah K.
; Farris, Demetra
; Pocetta, Giancarlo
2021 June 18 |
Empowerment-oriented salutogenic interventions (Oral session) |
Langeland, Eva
; Seah, Betsy
; Morales Moliner, Àlex
; Saboga-Nunes, Luis
; Lev-ari, Shahar
2018 |
Formació de formadors en Psicologia de la Salut: el doble objectiu formatiu en salut: professional i personal |
Font-Mayolas, SÃlvia
; Gómez Lima, Ana Belén
; Planes Pedra, Montserrat
; Gras Pérez, MarÃa Eugenia
2020 February 15 |
Formació de formadors en Psicologia de la Salut: el doble objectiu formatiu en salut: professional i personal |
Font-Mayolas, SÃlvia
; Gómez Lima, Ana Belén
; Planes Pedra, Montserrat
; Gras Pérez, MarÃa Eugenia
2020 |
Les habilitats per a la vida com a estratègia pedagògica de salut |
Esteva, Elisabet
; Loste, Anna
; Mowatt, Caroline
2021 June 17 |
Mantra Practice |
Universitat de Girona. Cà tedra de Promoció de la Salut
2021 June 18 |
Multilevel salutogenic interventions (Oral session) |
Maass, Ruca
; Becker, Craig M
; Perez, Patricia
; Khaonuan, Boonruang
2021 June 17 |
Order out of chaos: Salutogenesis in a global pandemic, an international research project (Symposium) |
Mana, Adi
; Sagy, Shifra
; Sardu, Claudia
; Hardy, Lisa
; Mundell, Leah
; Sternberg, Michael
; Hana, Abu
; Srour, Anan
2021 June 16 |
Parallel session 10: Salutogenesis |
Meier Magistretti, Claudia
; Turró-Garriga, Oriol
; Løhre, Audhild
; Sardu, Claudia
; Tur-Sinai, Aviad
; Gunnarsdottir, Hildur
2021 June 18 |
Participatory and nature-based salutogenic interventions (Oral session) |
Dierx, John
; Torre-Pérez, Laura de la
; Pijpker, Roald
; Wiklund-Engblom, Annika
; Millor Vela, Daniel
2021 June 18 |
People-planet-health: designing a creative process of ‘glocal’ participation in salutogenic policy development (Workshop) |
Meier Magistretti, Claudia
2020 February 15 |
Perspectives on Salutogenesis of Scholars Writing in Spanish |
Juvinyà Canal, Dolors
; Hernán, Mariano
; Gállego Diéguez, Javier
2017 |
Perspectives on Salutogenesis of Scholars Writing in Spanish |
Juvinyà Canal, Dolors
; Hernán, Mariano
; Gállego Diéguez, Javier
2021 June 17 |
Plenary Dialogue – ways forward: Advancing the concept of Sense of Coherence SoC |
Broetje, Sylvia
; Mayer, Claude-Hélène
; Rohner, Shauna
; Sternberg, Michael
; Lindström, Bengt
2021 June 17 |
Plenary Dialogue – ways forward: Advancing the salutogenic model of health |
Bauer, Georg
; Daniel, Marguerite
; Boonekamp, Gwendolijn
; Petzold, Theodor
2021 June 18 |
Plenary Dialogue – ways forward: Salutogenesis beyond the health sector |
Garista, Patrizia
; Jenny, Gregor
; Sagy, Shifra
; Meier Magistretti, Claudia
; Généreux, Mélissa