Llistar Títols per Matèria "Transferability"
S'han trobat 104 ítems
Llistant ítems des de 0 a 25:
Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
Acidic C-H bond as a proton donor in excited state intramolecular proton transfer reactions |
Stasyuk, Anton J.
; Cyrański, Michał K.
; Gryko, Daniel T.
; Solà i Puig, Miquel
10 març 2015 |
Acidic C-H bond as a proton donor in excited state intramolecular proton transfer reactions |
Stasyuk, Anton J.
; Cyrański, Michał K.
; Gryko, Daniel T.
; Solà i Puig, Miquel
2001 |
An ATM distributed simulator for network management research |
Marzo i Lázaro, Josep Lluís
; Vilà Talleda, Pere
; Fàbrega i Soler, Lluís
; Massaguer i Pla, Daniel
An ATM distributed simulator for network management research |
Marzo i Lázaro, Josep Lluís
; Vilà Talleda, Pere
; Fàbrega i Soler, Lluís
; Massaguer i Pla, Daniel
Atmospheric downwelling longwave radiation at the surface during cloudless and overcast conditions. Measurements and modeling |
Viúdez-Mora, Antoni
15 abril 2011 |
Atmospheric downwelling longwave radiation at the surface during cloudless and overcast conditions. Measurements and modeling |
Viúdez-Mora, Antoni
1994 |
Bandwidth allocation based on real time calculations using the convolution approach |
Fabregat Gesa, Ramon
; Solé Pareta, Josep
; Marzo i Lázaro, Josep Lluís
; Domingo Pascual, Jordi
Bandwidth allocation based on real time calculations using the convolution approach |
Fabregat Gesa, Ramon
; Solé Pareta, Josep
; Marzo i Lázaro, Josep Lluís
; Domingo Pascual, Jordi
28 maig 2015 |
Bioremediation of nitrate-polluted groundwater using bioelectrochemical systems |
Pous Rodríguez, Narcís
28 maig 2015 |
Bioremediation of nitrate-polluted groundwater using bioelectrochemical systems |
Pous Rodríguez, Narcís
Bioremediation of nitrate-polluted groundwater using bioelectrochemical systems |
Pous Rodríguez, Narcís
Buckycatcher. A New Opportunity for Charge-Transfer Mediation? |
Voityuk, Alexander A.
; Duran i Portas, Miquel
2008 |
Buckycatcher. A New Opportunity for Charge-Transfer Mediation? |
Voityuk, Alexander A.
; Duran i Portas, Miquel
1993 |
CAC controlled services sharing a link with connectionless data services in an ATM network: a performance evaluation study |
Fabregat Gesa, Ramon
; Marzo i Lázaro, Josep Lluís
; Solé Pareta, Josep
; Domingo Pascual, Jordi
CAC controlled services sharing a link with connectionless data services in an ATM network: a performance evaluation study |
Fabregat Gesa, Ramon
; Marzo i Lázaro, Josep Lluís
; Solé Pareta, Josep
; Domingo Pascual, Jordi
18 juliol 2022 |
Cambios en la práctica formativa del profesorado a partir de una formación continua en la modalidad de educación a distancia |
Fauth, Fernanda
2005 |
Charge transfer in DNA: hole charge is confined to a single base pair due to solvation effects |
Voityuk, Alexander A.
Charge transfer in DNA: hole charge is confined to a single base pair due to solvation effects |
Voityuk, Alexander A.
22 juny 2012 |
Computational modeling of charge transfer in nucleobase-aromatic amino acid complexes |
Butchosa Robles, Cristina
Computational modeling of charge transfer in nucleobase-aromatic amino acid complexes |
Butchosa Robles, Cristina
22 gener 2015 |
Com ser avaluador de les certificacions de projectes de R+D+I |
Sánchez Sebastian, Marta
; Peinado Sánchez, Alberto
2008 |
Conformations of poly{G}-poly{C} π stacks with high hole mobility |
Voityuk, Alexander A.
Conformations of poly{G}-poly{C} π stacks with high hole mobility |
Voityuk, Alexander A.
3 octubre 2022 |
Contribución a la comprensión y mejora de los procesos de inyección de resina para la fabricación de componentes aeronáuticos de geometría compleja en composite |
Ariño Palacín, María
9 febrer 2012 |
Debat sobre la translació i la innovació en salut |
Vendrell, Montse
; Condom i Vilà, Pere
; Garcia-Gil, L. J.
; Ramió, Lluís
; Cardona, Pere-Joan
; Fernández-Real Lemos, José Manuel
; Bonachera, Miquel Ángel
; Audivert, Sergi