Water -- Purification -- Chlorination

Llistar Títols per Matèria "Water -- Purification -- Chlorination"

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out url icon Recercat Assessment of the effect of UV and chlorination in the transformation of fragrances in aqueous samples Godayol Boix, Anna ; González Olmos, Rafael ; Sánchez Navarro, Juan Manuel ; Anticó i Daró, Ma. Enriqueta
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 gener 2015 Assessment of the effect of UV and chlorination in the transformation of fragrances in aqueous samples Godayol Boix, Anna ; González Olmos, Rafael ; Sánchez Navarro, Juan Manuel ; Anticó i Daró, Ma. Enriqueta
out url icon Recercat Formation potential of N-nitrosamines during the disinfection of treated wastewaters with sodium hypochlorite Garcia-Rodríguez, Aida ; Fontàs Rigau, Clàudia ; Matamoros, Víctor
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 Formation potential of N-nitrosamines during the disinfection of treated wastewaters with sodium hypochlorite Garcia-Rodríguez, Aida ; Fontàs Rigau, Clàudia ; Matamoros, Víctor

