Listing items by Author "Godayol Boix, Anna"

9 items found

Showing titles from 0 to 9:

out url icon Recercat Assessment of the effect of UV and chlorination in the transformation of fragrances in aqueous samples Godayol Boix, Anna ; González Olmos, Rafael ; Sánchez Navarro, Juan Manuel ; Anticó i Daró, Ma. Enriqueta
doc icon DUGiDocs 2015 January 1 Assessment of the effect of UV and chlorination in the transformation of fragrances in aqueous samples Godayol Boix, Anna ; González Olmos, Rafael ; Sánchez Navarro, Juan Manuel ; Anticó i Daró, Ma. Enriqueta
doc icon TDX 2014 March 27 Development of analytical methodologies for the assessment of odorous and fragrance compounds in wastewater treatment plants Godayol Boix, Anna
out url icon Recercat Development of analytical methodologies for the assessment of odorous and fragrance compounds in wastewater treatment plants Godayol Boix, Anna
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 March 27 Development of analytical methodologies for the assessment of odorous and fragrance compounds in wastewater treatment plants Godayol Boix, Anna
doc icon DUGiDocs 2011 November 11 Headspace needle-trap analysis of priority volatile organic compounds from aqueous samples: application to the analysis of natural and waste waters Alonso Roura, Mònica ; Cerdán Andrés, Laura ; Godayol Boix, Anna ; Anticó i Daró, Ma. Enriqueta ; Sánchez Navarro, Juan Manuel
out url icon Recercat Headspace needle-trap analysis of priority volatile organic compounds from aqueous samples: application to the analysis of natural and waste waters Alonso Roura, Mònica ; Cerdán Andrés, Laura ; Godayol Boix, Anna ; Anticó i Daró, Ma. Enriqueta ; Sánchez Navarro, Juan Manuel
out url icon Recercat Noves metodologies d’anàlisi de compostos volàtils mitjançant trampes d’agulla. Aplicació a l’anàlisi d’alè, atmosfèrica i d’aigües Alonso Roura, Mònica ; Godayol Boix, Anna ; Anticó i Daró, Ma. Enriqueta ; Sánchez Navarro, Juan Manuel
doc icon DUGiDocs 2012 Noves metodologies d’anàlisi de compostos volàtils mitjançant trampes d’agulla. Aplicació a l’anàlisi d’alè, atmosfèrica i d’aigües Alonso Roura, Mònica ; Godayol Boix, Anna ; Anticó i Daró, Ma. Enriqueta ; Sánchez Navarro, Juan Manuel

