Listing items by Author "Ramos Cordoba, Eloy."

40 items found

Showing titles from 0 to 25:

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out url icon Recercat The Atomic orbitals of the topological atom Ramos-Cordoba, Eloy ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro
out url icon Recercat The Atomic orbitals of the topological atom Ramos-Cordoba, Eloy ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 5 The Atomic orbitals of the topological atom Ramos-Cordoba, Eloy ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro
doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 June The Atomic orbitals of the topological atom Ramos Cordoba, Eloy ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro
out url icon Recercat Bonding description of the Harpoon mechanism RodrĂ­guez Mayorga, Mauricio ; Ramos-Cordoba, Eloy ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro ; SolĂ  i Puig, Miquel ; Matito i Gras, Eduard
out url icon Recercat 2020 February 15 Bonding description of the Harpoon mechanism RodrĂ­guez Mayorga, Mauricio ; Ramos-Cordoba, Eloy ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro ; SolĂ  i Puig, Miquel ; Matito i Gras, Eduard
doc icon DUGiDocs 2016 April 17 Bonding description of the Harpoon mechanism RodrĂ­guez Mayorga, Mauricio ; Ramos Cordoba, Eloy ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro ; SolĂ  i Puig, Miquel ; Matito i Gras, Eduard
out url icon Recercat Bonding quandary in the [Cu3S2]3+ core: Insights from the analysis of domain averaged fermi holes and the local spin Ponec, Robert ; Ramos-Cordoba, Eloy ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro
doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 March 7 Bonding quandary in the [Cu3S2]3+ core: Insights from the analysis of domain averaged fermi holes and the local spin Ponec, Robert ; Ramos Cordoba, Eloy ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro
out url icon Recercat Characterization and quantification of polyradical character Ramos-Cordoba, Eloy ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro
out url icon Recercat Characterization and quantification of polyradical character Ramos-Cordoba, Eloy ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 Characterization and quantification of polyradical character Ramos Cordoba, Eloy ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro
out url icon Recercat Communication: An approximation to Bader’s topological atom Salvador Sedano, Pedro ; Ramos-Cordoba, Eloy
out url icon Recercat Communication: An approximation to Bader’s topological atom Salvador Sedano, Pedro ; Ramos-Cordoba, Eloy
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 5 Communication: An approximation to Bader’s topological atom Salvador Sedano, Pedro ; Ramos-Cordoba, Eloy
doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 August Communication: An approximation to Bader’s topological atom Salvador Sedano, Pedro ; Ramos Cordoba, Eloy
doc icon TDX 2014 April 11 Development of new tools for local electron distribution analysis Ramos Cordoba, Eloy
out url icon Recercat Development of new tools for local electron distribution analysis Ramos-Cordoba, Eloy
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 April 11 Development of new tools for local electron distribution analysis Ramos Cordoba, Eloy
out url icon Recercat Diradical character from the local spin analysis Ramos-Cordoba, Eloy ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro
out url icon Recercat Diradical character from the local spin analysis Ramos-Cordoba, Eloy ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 Diradical character from the local spin analysis Ramos Cordoba, Eloy ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro
out url icon Recercat Local spin analysis and chemical bonding Ramos-Cordoba, Eloy ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro ; Reiher, Markus
doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 November 4 Local spin analysis and chemical bonding Ramos Cordoba, Eloy ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro ; Reiher, Markus
out url icon Recercat Local spins: improved Hilbert-space analysis Ramos-Cordoba, Eloy ; Matito i Gras, Eduard ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro ; Mayer, István
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