2023 November |
The false negative phenomenon: importance and causes in the “Girona territori cardioprotegit” project. A retrospective observational study |
Subirana Verdaguer, Laia
2017 July 11 |
High cancer mortality for US-born Latinos: evidence from California and Texas |
Pinheiro, Paulo S.
; Callahan, Karen E.
; Gómez, Scarlett Lin
; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael
; Cobb, Taylor R.
; Roca-Barcelo, Aina
; Ramirez, Amelie G.
High cancer mortality for US-born Latinos: evidence from California and Texas |
Pinheiro, Paulo S.
; Callahan, Karen E.
; Gómez, Scarlett Lin
; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael
; Cobb, Taylor R.
; Roca-Barcelo, Aina
; Ramirez, Amelie G.
High cancer mortality for US-born Latinos: evidence from California and Texas |
Pinheiro, Paulo S.
; Callahan, Karen E.
; Gómez, Scarlett Lin
; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael
; Cobb, Taylor R.
; Roca-Barcelo, Aina
; Ramirez, Amelie G.
2018 June 5 |
High cancer mortality for US-born Latinos: evidence from California and Texas |
Pinheiro, Paulo S.
; Callahan, Karen E.
; Gómez, Scarlett Lin
; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael
; Cobb, Taylor R.
; Roca-Barcelo, Aina
; Ramirez, Amelie G.
2020 November |
Homeostasis and epidermal barrier analysis in psoriatic patients: the impact of emollients |
Maroto Morales, Daniel
2019 January |
Impact of an intervention on proinflammatory agents in asthmatic patients |
Kolakowska, Natalia
2024 January |
Impact on Delta SOFA score in sepsis- induced acute kidney injury: a comparative study of haemofilter efficacy in continuous renal replacement therapy |
Pagans Marès, Laia
2018 February |
Incidence of pediatric-adolescent central nervous system tumors in Girona-Spain (1990-2013) |
Rivas Vilela, Susana
Incidence and survival of chronic myelomonocytic leukemia in Girona (Spain): a populationbased study, 1993-2007 |
Osca-Gelis, Gemma
; Puig-Vives, Montserrat
; Sáez Zafra, Marc
; Gallardo, David
; Solé, Francesc
; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael
Incidence and survival of chronic myelomonocytic leukemia in Girona (Spain): a populationbased study, 1993-2007 |
Osca-Gelis, Gemma
; Puig-Vives, Montserrat
; Sáez Zafra, Marc
; Gallardo, David
; Solé, Francesc
; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael
2018 June 5 |
Incidence and survival of chronic myelomonocytic leukemia in Girona (Spain): a populationbased study, 1993-2007 |
Osca-Gelis, Gemma
; Puig-Vives, Montserrat
; Sáez Zafra, Marc
; Gallardo, David
; Solé, Francesc
; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael
2012 |
Incidence and survival of chronic myelomonocytic leukemia in Girona (Spain): a populationbased study, 1993-2007 |
Osca-Gelis, Gemma
; Puig-Vives, Montserrat
; Sáez Zafra, Marc
; Gallardo Giralt, David
; Solé, Francesc
; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael
2024 January |
Incidence trends of head and neck cancer in the provinces of Girona and Tarragona (1994-2018): a population-based study |
Calvo Rodríguez, Carla
2021 November |
Incidence trends and survival of human papillomavirus-related oropharyngeal cancer in the province of Girona (1994-2018): a population-based study of oropharyngeal cancer in Southern Europe |
Ciurana Montiel, Elna de
2014 |
Incidence variation of prostate and cervical cancer according to socioeconomic level in the Girona Health Region |
Renart i Vicens, Gemma
; Sáez Zafra, Marc
; Moreno-Crespi, Judit
; Serdà Ferrer, Bernat-Carles
; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael
Incidence variation of prostate and cervical cancer according to socioeconomic level in the Girona Health Region |
Renart i Vicens, Gemma
; Sáez Zafra, Marc
; Moreno-Crespi, Judit
; Serdà Ferrer, Bernat-Carles
; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael
Incidence variation of prostate and cervical cancer according to socioeconomic level in the Girona Health Region |
Renart i Vicens, Gemma
; Sáez Zafra, Marc
; Moreno-Crespi, Judit
; Serdà Ferrer, Bernat-Carles
; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael
2018 June 5 |
Incidence variation of prostate and cervical cancer according to socioeconomic level in the Girona Health Region |
Renart i Vicens, Gemma
; Sáez Zafra, Marc
; Moreno-Crespi, Judit
; Serdà Ferrer, Bernat-Carles
; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael
2021 May 28 |
Incidència poblacional de neoplàsies hematològiques infantils a Espanya (1995-2014) |
Sintes Pons, Simó
2016 September |
Incidència i supervivència del càncer de pell no melanoma a la província de Girona: estudi de base poblacional durant el període 1994-‐2012 |
Hernández Pujol, Alba Maria
Incidència i supervivència del càncer de pell no melanoma a la província de Girona: estudi de base poblacional durant el període 1994-‐2012 |
Hernández Pujol, Alba Maria
2022 January |
Loneliness as a risk factor for high level of comorbidities and low quality of life in elderly population (non solum study): multicentered prospective cohort study |
Ramon Grimalt, Meritxell
2022 January |
Nocebo response in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder:meta-analysis and meta-regression of 105 randomized |
Ramírez Saco, David
2024 January |
Optimizing recovery: investigating the role of early postoperative mobilisation in free flaps surgery for lower leg reconstruction |
Ferret i Rossell, Marta