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  94  95  96  97  98  99  100  101  102  103  104   
doc icon DUGiDocs 17 juliol 2015 Analysis and optimization of composite stringers Badalló i Cañellas, Pere
out url icon Recercat Analysis and optimization of composite stringers Badalló i Cañellas, Pere
out url icon Recercat Analysis of Pleistocene paleodrainage evolution in the Po Basin (Italy) by multivariate statistical techniques Vezzoli, Giovanni
doc icon DUGiDocs 28 maig 2008 Analysis of Pleistocene paleodrainage evolution in the Po Basin (Italy) by multivariate statistical techniques Vezzoli, Giovanni
out url icon DUGiDocs 19 setembre 2024 An analysis of the predicament of judicial practice and the protection of personality rights of women suffering domestic violence in China from the perspective of women’s rights Zhuang, Niwen
doc icon DUGiDocs 10 abril 2014 Analysis of process-induced defects on steered-fiber panels for aeronautical applications Falcó Salcines, Olben
doc icon TDX 10 abril 2014 Analysis of process-induced defects on steered-fiber panels for aeronautical applications Falcó Salcines, Olben
out url icon Recercat Analysis of process-induced defects on steered-fiber panels for aeronautical applications Falcó Salcines, Olben
doc icon DUGiDocs 2003 Analysis and regeneration of hypermedia contents through Java and XML tools Mérida, David ; Fabregat Gesa, Ramon ; Urra i Fàbregas, Anna ; Bueno Delgado, Antonio
out url icon Recercat Analysis and regeneration of hypermedia contents through Java and XML tools Mérida, David ; Fabregat Gesa, Ramon ; Urra i Fàbregas, Anna ; Bueno Delgado, Antonio
out url icon Recercat Analysis of the relative stabilities of ortho, meta, and para MClY(XC 4H4)(PH3)2 heterometallabenzenes (M = Rh, Ir; X = N, P; Y = Cl and M = Ru, Os; X = N, P; Y = CO) El Hamdi Lahfid, Majid ; El Bakouri, Ouissam ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro ; Abdelouahid, Ben Ali ; El Begrani, Mohamed Soussi ; Poater i Teixidor, Jordi ; Solà i Puig, Miquel
doc icon DUGiDocs 9 setembre 2013 Analysis of the relative stabilities of ortho, meta, and para MClY(XC 4H4)(PH3)2 heterometallabenzenes (M = Rh, Ir; X = N, P; Y = Cl and M = Ru, Os; X = N, P; Y = CO) El Hamdi Lahfid, Majid ; El Bakouri, Ouissam ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro ; Abdelouahid, Ben Ali ; El Begrani, Mohamed Soussi ; Poater i Teixidor, Jordi ; Solà i Puig, Miquel
doc icon DUGiDocs 1993 Analysis of the seminal characteristics of a boar with impaired fertility Fradera, Anna ; Briz González, Maria Dolors ; Bonet, Sergi ; Pinart Nadal, Elisabeth
doc icon RACO 1993 Analysis of the seminal characteristics of a boar with impaired fertility Fradera, A. ; Briz, M. ; Bonet i Marull, Sergi ; Pinart, E.
out url icon Recercat Analysis of sensitivity with respect to a compositional parameter : A comment on ’Local sensitivity analysis for compositional data with application to soil texture in hydrologic modelling’ by L. Loosvelt and co-authors Egozcue, Juan José ; Pawlowsky-Glahn, Vera
out url icon Recercat Analysis of sensitivity with respect to a compositional parameter : A comment on ’Local sensitivity analysis for compositional data with application to soil texture in hydrologic modelling’ by L. Loosvelt and co-authors Egozcue, Juan José ; Pawlowsky-Glahn, Vera
doc icon DUGiDocs 18 abril 2005 Analysis and Simulation of Transverse Random Fracture of Long Fibre Reinforced Composites Trias Mansilla, Daniel
doc icon TDX 18 abril 2005 Analysis and Simulation of Transverse Random Fracture of Long Fibre Reinforced Composites Trias Mansilla, Daniel
out url icon Recercat Analysis and Simulation of Transverse Random Fracture of Long Fibre Reinforced Composites Trias Mansilla, Daniel
out url icon Recercat Analysis of stream-aquifer relationships: A comparison between mass balance and Darcy’s law approaches Menció i Domingo, Anna ; Galán París, Marta ; Boix Masafret, Dani ; Mas-Pla, Josep
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 Analysis of stream-aquifer relationships: A comparison between mass balance and Darcy’s law approaches Menció i Domingo, Anna ; Galán París, Marta ; Boix Masafret, Dani ; Mas-Pla, Josep
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 juny 2022 Analysis of sustainable investment funds in Spain 2021-2022 Hernando Sastre, Alex
doc icon DUGiDocs 2012 Analysis of the tensile modulus of polypropylene composites reinforced with stone groundwood fibers López, Joan Pere ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere ; Pèlach Serra, Maria Àngels ; El Mansouri, Nour-Eddine ; Boufi, Sami ; Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola
out url icon Recercat Analysis of the tensile modulus of polypropylene composites reinforced with stone groundwood fibers López, Joan Pere ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere ; Pèlach Serra, Maria Àngels ; El Mansouri, Nour-Eddine ; Boufi, Sami ; Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola
out url icon Recercat Analysis of the tensile modulus of polypropylene composites reinforced with stone groundwood fibers López, Joan Pere ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere ; Pèlach Serra, Maria Àngels ; El Mansouri, Nour-Eddine ; Boufi, Sami ; Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola
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