2 novembre 2023 |
El wilsonismo italiano, entre socialismo y liberalismo. “At the ban of humanity”: Wilson and Wilsonism in Italy, between the Great War and the birth of Fascism. |
Dogliani, Patrizia
; Grasso, Mirko
; Perazzoli, Jacopo
17 juny 2021 |
Winding down: Discussion in groups of 4 persons. Share key thought in the plenary |
21 juny 2018 |
Wind power supply chain: relevant aspects related to manufacturing and quality management |
Castelló i Dalmau, Jordi
13 desembre 2017 |
WithLeftHand: relatoria gràfica |
Campuzano, Raúl
; Javigaar, il·lustrador
; WithLeftHand
29 novembre 2002 |
Wittgenstein and the impossibility of explaining thought and language |
Stroud, Barry
28 novembre 2002 |
Wittgenstein’s philosophy of mathematics |
Conant, James
29 novembre 2002 |
Wittgenstein’s treatment of private language |
Pears, David Francis
28 novembre 2002 |
Wittgenstein on the mysteries of the mathematical world |
Fogelin, Robert
2008 |
WMR navigation using local potential field corridors and narrow local occupancy grid perception |
Pacheco Valls, Lluís
; Cufí i Solé, Xavier
; Luo, Ningsu
; Cobos Gutiérrez, Francisco Javier
WMR navigation using local potential field corridors and narrow local occupancy grid perception |
Pacheco Valls, Lluís
; Cufí Solé, Xavier
; Luo, Ningsu
; Cobos Gutiérrez, Francisco Javier
24 març 2011 |
WMSCWrapper: caché de teselas OpenSource para la aceleración de servicios de mapas teselados |
García Martín, Ricardo
; Castro Fernández, Juan Pablo de
; López Escobés, Pablo
; Verdú Pérez, María Jesús
; Regueras Santos, Luisa M.
; Verdú Pérez, Elena
març 2010 |
WMSCWrapper: implementación WMS-C OpenSource para servicios WMS teselados |
García Martín, Ricardo
; Castro Fernández, Juan Pablo de
13 octubre 2015 |
WNT5A, SFRP5 y CRTC3: nuevas adipocinas relacionadas con la obesidad en la edad pediátrica |
Soriano Rodríguez, Pilar
22 febrer 2017 |
Wolfgang Laib: símbols i ritus contemporanis de l’espiritualitat en l’art |
Esteban Fuentes, Jordi
Women municipal politicians in election news |
Wagner, Angelia
2006 |
Women municipal politicians in election news |
Wagner, Angelia
15 maig 2019 |
Word-processing-based routing for Cayley graphs |
Aguirre Guerrero, Daniela
Work integration of people of disabilities in the regular labour market: what can we do to improve these processes |
Vilà Suñé, Montserrat
; Pallisera, Maria
; Fullana Noell, Judit
Work integration of people of disabilities in the regular labour market: what can we do to improve these processes |
Vilà Suñé, Montserrat
; Pallisera, Maria
; Fullana Noell, Judit
2007 |
Work integration of people of disabilities in the regular labour market: what can we do to improve these processes |
Vilà Suñé, Montserrat
; Pallisera, Maria
; Fullana Noell, Judit
14 juny 2021 |
Workshop 1: Health promotion in times of COVID-19: Health Literacy, infodemic and behaviour |
Okan, Orkan
; Bollweg, Torsten Michael
; Schaeffer, Doris
; Bauer, Ullrich
; Griebler, Robert
; Gani Saskia, Maria
; Dadaczynski, Kevin
; Rathmann, Katharina
; Hurrelmann, Klaus
; Messer, Melanie
; Vogt, Dominique
26 maig 2022 |
Workshop 1 (WS1): Evidence and the European Court of Human Rights |
Summers, Sarah
; Picinali, Federico
; Giannoulopoulos, Dimitrios
; Gless, Sabine
; Marafioti, Luca
26 maig 2022 |
Workshop 24 (WS24): Evidence & Proof. Expert Evidence and Evidential Reasoning |
Kotsoglou, Kyriakos N.
; Ward, Tony
; Biederman, Alex
; McCartney, Carole
; Roberts, Paul
; Edmond, Gary
14 juny 2021 |
Workshop 2: Mental health promotion practices across the lifespan: Shared practitioner experiences in the Nordic context |
Björk, Janina
; Häger, Magdalena
; Nordmyr, Johanna
; Viklund, Emilia
14 juny 2021 |
Workshop 3: The social prescription in Catalonia: model, guide and implementation |
Colom Farran, Joan
; Capella, Jordina
; Casajuana, Cristina
; Segura, Lidia