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S'han trobat 1524 Ãtems
Llistant Ãtems des de 1375 a 1400:
Format | Data | TÃtol | Autor |
Format | Data | TÃtol | Autor |
15 desembre 2015 |
Solid-phase synthesis of 5-arylhistidine-containing peptides: from linear antimicrobial peptides to cyclic peptides derived from arylomycins and aciculitins |
Ng-Choi, Iteng
Solid-phase synthesis of cell-penetrating γ-peptide/antimicrobial peptide conjugates and of cyclic lipodepsipeptides derived from fengycins |
Rosés Subirós, Cristina
22 gener 2016 |
Solid-phase synthesis of cell-penetrating γ-peptide/antimicrobial peptide conjugates and of cyclic lipodepsipeptides derived from fengycins |
Rosés Subirós, Cristina
Sonar scan matching for simultaneous localization and mapping in confined underwater environments |
Mallios, Angelos
15 maig 2014 |
Sonar scan matching for simultaneous localization and mapping in confined underwater environments |
Mallios, Angelos
Stability lobes diagram identification and surface roughness monitoring in milling processes |
Quintana i Badosa, Guillem
Strategies for the production of cationic α-helical antimicrobial peptides in plant biofactories |
Company Casadevall, Núria
Stream biofilm responses to flow intermittency |
Timoner Amer, Xisca
Structural and functional characterization of Apoptin and design of a monomeric variant with antitumor activity |
Ruiz MartÃnez, Santiago
Structure and hydrogen dynamic behavior in proton sponge cations and organometallic complexes |
Horbatenko, Yevhen
Structure and reactivity of endohedral (metallo)fullerenes |
Garcia Borrà s, Marc
Study of the ability of carboranylcarboxylate ligands to generate polynuclear compounds. Potential applications |
Fontanet Cepeda, Mònica
Study of bond behaviour between FRP reinforcement and concrete |
Baena Muñoz, Marta
A study of the bond and flexural behaviour of reinforced concrete elements strengthened with near surface mounted (NSM) FRP reinforcement |
Attia Abdelgayed Abdelgawad Sharaky, Ibrahim
Study of brain complexity using information theory tools |
Bonmatà Coll, Ester
Studies of dynamics of physical agent ecosystems |
Muñoz Moreno, Israel
A study on the phylogeny and the ecology of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria using a new molecular marker based on the gene amoB |
Calvó Perxas, Laia
El suburbium de Gerunda. Evolució històrica del pla de Girona en època romana |
Palahà Grimal, LluÃs
11 octubre 2013 |
El suburbium de Gerunda. Evolució històrica del pla de Girona en època romana |
Palahà Grimal, LluÃs
Sulfide and methane production in anaerobic sewer pipes: from microbial community characterization to effective mitigation strategies |
Auguet Horta, Olga
13 juliol 2016 |
Sulfide and methane production in anaerobic sewer pipes: from microbial community characterization to effective mitigation strategies |
Auguet Horta, Olga
Sunshine duration as a proxy of the atmospheric aerosol content |
Sánchez Romero, Alejandro
6 juny 2016 |
Sunshine duration as a proxy of the atmospheric aerosol content |
Sánchez Romero, Alejandro
La superdotació als centres d’educació infantil i primà ria dels Serveis Territorials d’Educació de Girona: creences dels professionals de l’educació, mestres i Equips d’Assessorament i Orientació Psicopedagògica (EAP), sobre la detecció d’aquests alumnes i les mesures d’intervenció educativa |
Guirado Serrat, Àngel
Supervisory systems in waste water treatment plants: sistematise their implementation |
Cortés de la Fuente, Christian