Llistar TÃtols
S'han trobat 1524 Ãtems
Llistant Ãtems des de 1400 a 1425:
Format | Data | TÃtol | Autor |
Format | Data | TÃtol | Autor |
17 desembre 2002 |
Supervisory systems in waste water treatment plants: sistematise their implementation |
Cortés de la Fuente, Christian
Supporting competence development processes on open learning systems through personalization |
Baldiris Navarro, Silvia Margarita
Surface reconstruction methods for seafloor modelling |
Campos Dausà , Ricard
The syntax of wh-movement in multiple (true and echo) questions. A Q-particle approach |
Chernova, Ekaterina
6 març 2015 |
The syntax of wh-movement in multiple (true and echo) questions. A Q-particle approach |
Chernova, Ekaterina
Synthesis of antimicrobial peptides derived from BP100 and BPC194 |
Güell Costa, Imma
27 gener 2012 |
Synthesis of antimicrobial peptides derived from BP100 and BPC194 |
Güell Costa, Imma
Synthesis and evaluation of cyclic cationic peptides as antimicrobial agents for use in plant protection |
Monroc, Sylvie
18 gener 2008 |
Synthesis and evaluation of cyclic cationic peptides as antimicrobial agents for use in plant protection |
Monroc, Sylvie
Synthesis of molecular nanocapsules for supramolecular host-guest chemistry and enzyme-like catalysis |
GarcÃa Simón, Cristina
Synthesis, structure and reactivity of novel CuI, CuII and CuIII complexes containing triaza and hexaaza macrocyclic ligands |
Ribas Salamaña, Xavi
Synthesis of unusual alpha-amino acids and study of the effect of their incorporation into antimicrobial peptides. Total synthesis of biactive marine natural products and analogues thereof |
El Marrouni El Ghazaoui, Abdellatif
Synthetic antifungal peptides for controlling brown spot of pear caused by Stemphylium vesicarium. Activity, mode of action and field evaluation |
Puig Garcia, Mireia
15 desembre 2015 |
Synthetic antifungal peptides for controlling brown spot of pear caused by Stemphylium vesicarium. Activity, mode of action and field evaluation |
Puig Garcia, Mireia
Le système touristique comme un facteur de développement local dans les moyennes villes à travers des attractifs: le cas de Fafe au Portugal |
Freitas da Mota, Catarina
18 juliol 2016 |
Le système touristique comme un facteur de développement local dans les moyennes villes à travers des attractifs: le cas de Fafe au Portugal |
Freitas da Mota, Catarina
Technologies to determine quality parameters and the effect of high pressure processing on dry-cured ham |
Rubio Celorio, Marc
Technology-enhaced support for lifelong competence development in higher education |
Florian Gaviria, Beatriz Eugenia
Temporal trends of incidence and survival of myeloid malignancies in Girona: a population-based study during the recent fifteen years |
Osca-Gelis, Gemma
17 octubre 2014 |
Temporal trends of incidence and survival of myeloid malignancies in Girona: a population-based study during the recent fifteen years |
Osca-Gelis, Gemma
Tendències dels sistemes de gestió estandaritzats: el cas del sector paperer |
Alcalà Vilavella, Manel
Tensioactius aniònics aplicats al destintatge per flotació de barreges de paper premsa i revista |
Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola
La teoria de la democrà cia en l’Escola de Frankfurt: del projecte deliberatiu de Jürgen Habermas a l’eticitat democrà tica d’Axel Honneth |
López RodrÃguez, Ivan
Para una teorÃa general de las medidas cautelares penales |
Pujadas Tortosa, Virginia
Texture recognition under varying imaging geometries |
Lladó Bardera, Xavier