336 - Finances. Banca. Moneda. Borsa
Listing items with Subject "336 - Finances. Banca. Moneda. Borsa"
14 items found
Showing titles from 0 to 14:
Format | Date | Title | Author |
Format | Date | Title | Author |
2021 March 5 |
Capital intelectual y reporting financiero en España |
Mayorga Ãvalos, Myriam Jimena
Customer satisfaction in the banking industry: a comparative study of Ghana and Spain |
Amoah-Mensah, Aborampah
2011 March 14 |
Customer satisfaction in the banking industry: a comparative study of Ghana and Spain |
Amoah-Mensah, Aborampah
2012 July 27 |
Customers’ loyalty and its antecedents and perception of ISO 9001 in online banking |
Petnji Yaya, Luc Honoré
Customers’ loyalty and its antecedents and perception of ISO 9001 in online banking |
Petnji Yaya, Luc Honoré
2001 November 22 |
The effects of information and communication technologies on the banking sector and the payments system |
Arbussà i Reixach, Anna
The effects of information and communication technologies on the banking sector and the payments system |
Arbussà i Reixach, Anna
La estructura financiera de las pymes catalanas: la dinámica en un contexto de recesión |
Maldonado Gutiérrez, David
2013 September 3 |
La estructura financiera de las pymes catalanas: la dinámica en un contexto de recesión |
Maldonado Gutiérrez, David
Hisendes locals i turisme: tres assaigs |
Rigall i Torrent, Ricard
2003 December 19 |
Hisendes locals i turisme: tres assaigs |
Rigall i Torrent, Ricard
L’eficiència del mercat immobiliari: estratègies i instruments |
Panosa Gubau, Anna M.
2012 December 18 |
L’eficiència del mercat immobiliari: estratègies i instruments |
Panosa Gubau, Anna M.
2019 July 10 |
Reducción de barreras de adopción de criptomonedas: innovación tecnológica en los procesos de validación de transacciones |
Carrillo Peña, Paulo Nicolás