
Llistar Títols per Matèria "Polypropylene"

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out url icon Recercat Acoustic properties of polypropylene composites reinforced with stone groundwood López, Joan Pere ; El Mansouri, Nour-Eddine ; Alba, Jesus ; Rey, Romina del ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere ; Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola
out url icon Recercat Acoustic properties of polypropylene composites reinforced with stone groundwood López, Joan Pere ; El Mansouri, Nour-Eddine ; Alba, Jesus ; Rey, Romina del ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere ; Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Acoustic properties of polypropylene composites reinforced with stone groundwood
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Acoustic properties of polypropylene composites reinforced with stone groundwood López, Joan Pere ; El Mansouri, Nour-Eddine ; Alba, Jesus ; Rey, Romina del ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere ; Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola
doc icon DUGiDocs 2012 Acoustic properties of polypropylene composites reinforced with stone groundwood López, Joan Pere ; El Mansouri, Nour-Eddine ; Alba, Jesús ; Rey, Romina del ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere ; Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola
doc icon DUGiDocs 2012 Analysis of the tensile modulus of polypropylene composites reinforced with stone groundwood fibers López, Joan Pere ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere ; Pèlach Serra, Maria Àngels ; El Mansouri, Nour-Eddine ; Boufi, Sami ; Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola
out url icon Recercat Analysis of the tensile modulus of polypropylene composites reinforced with stone groundwood fibers López, Joan Pere ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere ; Pèlach Serra, Maria Àngels ; El Mansouri, Nour-Eddine ; Boufi, Sami ; Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola
out url icon Recercat Analysis of the tensile modulus of polypropylene composites reinforced with stone groundwood fibers López, Joan Pere ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere ; Pèlach Serra, Maria Àngels ; El Mansouri, Nour-Eddine ; Boufi, Sami ; Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Analysis of the tensile modulus of polypropylene composites reinforced with stone groundwood fibers
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Analysis of the tensile modulus of polypropylene composites reinforced with stone groundwood fibers López, Joan Pere ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere ; Pèlach Serra, Maria Àngels ; El Mansouri, Nour-Eddine ; Boufi, Sami ; Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola
doc icon DUGiDocs 9 juny 2006 Aprovechamiento integral del Cannabis sativa como material de refuerzo/carga del polipropileno Vallejos, María Evangelina
out url icon Recercat Aprovechamiento integral del Cannabis sativa como material de refuerzo/carga del polipropileno Vallejos, María Evangelina
out url icon Recercat Comparison of the soundproofing characteristics of olive stone filled polypropylene, gypsum boards and wood fiber reinforced polypropylene Naghmouchi, Ilhem ; Espinach Orús, Xavier ; Del Rey, Romina ; Alba, Jesus ; Boufi, Sami ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
out url icon Recercat Comparison of the soundproofing characteristics of olive stone filled polypropylene, gypsum boards and wood fiber reinforced polypropylene Naghmouchi, Ilhem ; Espinach Orús, Xavier ; Del Rey, Romina ; Alba, Jesus ; Boufi, Sami ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Comparison of the soundproofing characteristics of olive stone filled polypropylene, gypsum boards and wood fiber reinforced polypropylene
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Comparison of the soundproofing characteristics of olive stone filled polypropylene, gypsum boards and wood fiber reinforced polypropylene Naghmouchi, Ilhem ; Espinach Orús, Xavier ; Del Rey, Romina ; Alba, Jesus ; Boufi, Sami ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
doc icon DUGiDocs 2016 Comparison of the soundproofing characteristics of olive stone filled polypropylene, gypsum boards and wood fiber reinforced polypropylene Naghmouchi, Ilhem ; Espinach Orús, Xavier ; Del Rey, Romina ; Alba, Jesús ; Boufi, Sami ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
doc icon DUGiDocs setembre 2017 Determinació de les propietats mecàniques d’un compòsit imprès per FDM Saad, Ilyass
doc icon DUGiDocs 2010 Determination of corn stalk fibers’ strength through modeling of the mechanical properties of its composites Rodríguez, Manuel ; Rodríguez, Alejandro ; Bayer Resplandis, Jordi ; Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola ; Gironès i Molera, Jordi ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
out url icon Recercat Determination of corn stalk fibers’ strength through modeling of the mechanical properties of its composites Rodríguez, Manuel ; Rodríguez, Alejandro ; Bayer Resplandis, Jordi ; Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola ; Gironès i Molera, Jordi ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
out url icon Recercat Determination of corn stalk fibers’ strength through modeling of the mechanical properties of its composites Rodríguez, Manuel ; Rodríguez, Alejandro ; Bayer Resplandis, Jordi ; Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola ; Gironès i Molera, Jordi ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Determination of corn stalk fibers’ strength through modeling of the mechanical properties of its composites
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Determination of corn stalk fibers’ strength through modeling of the mechanical properties of its composites Rodríguez, Manuel ; Rodríguez, Alejandro ; Bayer Resplandis, Jordi ; Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola ; Gironès i Molera, Jordi ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 setembre 2019 Disseny i fabricació de materials compostos de PHA’s totalment biodegradables reforçats amb residus agrícoles Oller Martínez, Ariadna
out url icon Recercat Effect of Sodium Hydroxide Treatments on the Tensile Strength and the Interphase Quality of Hemp Core Fiber-Reinforced Polypropylene Composites Del Rey, Romina ; Serrat, Ramon ; Alba, Jesus ; Pérez, Ildefonso ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere ; Espinach Orús, Xavier
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