Qualitat de vida relacionada amb la salut

Listing items with Subject "Qualitat de vida relacionada amb la salut"

14 items found

Showing titles from 0 to 14:

doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 November 8 Clasificación del subtipo de fibromialgia de acuerdo con la sintomatología clínica y análisis de las diferencias de personalidad, psicopatología concomitante y calidad de vida percibida Keller, Dagmar
out url icon Recercat Clasificación del subtipo de fibromialgia de acuerdo con la sintomatología clínica y análisis de las diferencias de personalidad, psicopatología concomitante y calidad de vida percibida Keller, Dagmar
doc icon DUGiDocs 2016 December 7 Diet and physical activity in people with intermediate cardiovascular risk and their relationship with the health-related quality of life: results from the MARK study Sanchez Aguadero, Natalia ; Alonso Dominguez, Rosario ; García Ortiz, Luís ; Agudo Conde, Cristina ; Rodriguez Martin, Carmela ; Cabo Laso, Ángela de ; Sánchez Salgado, Benigna ; Ramos Blanes, Rafel ; Maderuelo Fernández, José A. ; Gómez Marcos, Manuel A. ; Recio Rodriguez, Jose I. ; MARK Group
out url icon Recercat Diet and physical activity in people with intermediate cardiovascular risk and their relationship with the health-related quality of life: results from the MARK study Sanchez Aguadero, Natalia ; Alonso Dominguez, Rosario ; García Ortiz, Luís ; Agudo Conde, Cristina ; Rodriguez Martin, Carmela ; Cabo Laso, Ángela de ; Sánchez Salgado, Benigna ; Ramos Blanes, Rafel ; Maderuelo Fernández, José A. ; Gómez Marcos, Manuel A. ; Recio Rodriguez, Jose I. ; MARK Group
out url icon Recercat Diet and physical activity in people with intermediate cardiovascular risk and their relationship with the health-related quality of life: results from the MARK study Sanchez Aguadero, Natalia ; Alonso Dominguez, Rosario ; García Ortiz, Luís ; Agudo Conde, Cristina ; Rodriguez Martin, Carmela ; Cabo Laso, Ángela de ; Sánchez Salgado, Benigna ; Ramos Blanes, Rafel ; Maderuelo Fernández, José A. ; Gómez Marcos, Manuel A. ; Recio Rodriguez, Jose I. ; MARK Group
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 1 Diet and physical activity in people with intermediate cardiovascular risk and their relationship with the health-related quality of life: results from the MARK study
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 5 Diet and physical activity in people with intermediate cardiovascular risk and their relationship with the health-related quality of life: results from the MARK study Sanchez Aguadero, Natalia ; Alonso Dominguez, Rosario ; García Ortiz, Luís ; Agudo Conde, Cristina ; Rodriguez Martin, Carmela ; Cabo Laso, Ángela de ; Sánchez Salgado, Benigna ; Ramos Blanes, Rafel ; Maderuelo Fernández, José A. ; Gómez Marcos, Manuel A. ; Recio Rodriguez, Jose I. ; MARK Group
doc icon DUGiDocs 2021 September 17 Qualitat de vida de les persones amb dolor lumbar crònic i factors associats Pericot Mozo, Xavier
doc icon DUGiDocs 2019 July 8 La qualitat de vida relacionada amb la salut de les persones amb trastorn mental sever des d’una perspectiva salutogènica i de gènere Colillas Malet, Ester
doc icon DUGiDocs 2016 May 12 Vascular structure and function and their relationship with health-related quality of life in the MARK study García Ortiz, Luís ; Recio Rodriguez, Jose I. ; Mora Simón, Sara ; Guillaumet, John ; Martí Lluch, Ruth ; Agudo Conde, Cristina ; Rodríguez Sánchez, Emiliano ; Maderuelo Fernández, José A. ; Ramos Blanes, Rafel ; Gómez Marcos, Manuel A. ; MARK Group
out url icon Recercat Vascular structure and function and their relationship with health-related quality of life in the MARK study García Ortiz, Luís ; Recio Rodriguez, Jose I. ; Mora Simón, Sara ; Guillaumet, John ; Martí Lluch, Ruth ; Agudo Conde, Cristina ; Rodríguez Sánchez, Emiliano ; Maderuelo Fernández, José A. ; Ramos Blanes, Rafel ; Gómez Marcos, Manuel A. ; MARK Group
out url icon Recercat Vascular structure and function and their relationship with health-related quality of life in the MARK study García Ortiz, Luís ; Recio Rodriguez, Jose I. ; Mora Simón, Sara ; Guillaumet, John ; Martí Lluch, Ruth ; Agudo Conde, Cristina ; Rodríguez Sánchez, Emiliano ; Maderuelo Fernández, José A. ; Ramos Blanes, Rafel ; Gómez Marcos, Manuel A. ; MARK Group
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 1 Vascular structure and function and their relationship with health-related quality of life in the MARK study
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 5 Vascular structure and function and their relationship with health-related quality of life in the MARK study García Ortiz, Luís ; Recio Rodriguez, Jose I. ; Mora Simón, Sara ; Guillaumet, John ; Martí Lluch, Ruth ; Agudo Conde, Cristina ; Rodríguez Sánchez, Emiliano ; Maderuelo Fernández, José A. ; Ramos Blanes, Rafel ; Gómez Marcos, Manuel A. ; MARK Group

