Anà lisi estructural del biofilm microbià de les llacunes salades dels Monegros |
Abbas Via, Nura
setembre 2016 |
Anà lisi estructural del biofilm microbià de les llacunes salades dels Monegros |
Abbas Via, Nura
Antioxidant enzyme activities as biomarkers of Zn pollution in fluvial biofilms |
Bonet Sánchez, Berta
; Corcoll i Cornet, Natà lia
; Guasch i Padró, Helena
2012 |
Antioxidant enzyme activities as biomarkers of Zn pollution in fluvial biofilms |
Bonet Sánchez, Berta
; Corcoll i Cornet, Natà lia
; Guasch i Padró, Helena
Antioxidant enzyme activities in biofilms as biomarker of Zn pollution in a natural system: An active bio-monitoring study |
Bonet Sánchez, Berta
; Corcoll i Cornet, Natà lia
; Tlili, Ahmed
; Morin, Soizic
; Guasch i Padró, Helena
2014 |
Antioxidant enzyme activities in biofilms as biomarker of Zn pollution in a natural system: An active bio-monitoring study |
Bonet Sánchez, Berta
; Corcoll i Cornet, Natà lia
; Tlili, Ahmed
; Morin, Soizic
; Guasch i Padró, Helena
Arsenic toxicity effects on microbial communities and nutrient cycling in indoor experimental channels mimicking a fluvial system |
Tuulaikhuu, Baigal-Amar
; Romanà i Cornet, Anna M.
; Guasch i Padró, Helena
1 setembre 2015 |
Arsenic toxicity effects on microbial communities and nutrient cycling in indoor experimental channels mimicking a fluvial system |
Tuulaikhuu, Baigal-Amar
; Romanà i Cornet, Anna M.
; Guasch i Padró, Helena
25 octubre 2019 |
At the edge of aquatic systems: intermittent streambed microbial communities’ responses to hydrological alterations |
Gionchetta, Giulia
Atomic diffusion induced by stress relaxation in InGaAs/GaAs epitaxial layers |
Roura Grabulosa, Pere
; Vilà Arbonés, Anna
; Bosch, J.
; López-de Miguel, Manel
; Cornet i Calveras, Albert
; Morante i Lleonart, Joan R.
; Westwood, D. I.
1997 |
Atomic diffusion induced by stress relaxation in InGaAs/GaAs epitaxial layers |
Roura Grabulosa, Pere
; Vilà i Arbonès, Anna Maria
; Bosch, J.
; López-de Miguel, Manel
; Cornet i Calveras, Albert
; Morante i Lleonart, Joan R.
; Westwood, D. I.
21 gener 2011 |
Availability and use of organic matter in stream ecosystems: the role of biofilms |
Ylla i Monfort, Irene
Availability and use of organic matter in stream ecosystems: the role of biofilms |
Ylla i Monfort, Irene
21 gener 2011 |
Availability and use of organic matter in stream ecosystems: the role of biofilms |
Ylla i Monfort, Irene
Biochemical quality of basal resources in a forested stream: effects of nutrient enrichment |
Sanpera-Calbet, Isis
; Ylla i Monfort, Irene
; Romanà i Cornet, Anna M.
; Sabater, Sergi
; Muñoz Grà cia, Isabel
gener 2017 |
Biochemical quality of basal resources in a forested stream: effects of nutrient enrichment |
Sanpera Calbet, Isis
; Ylla i Monfort, Irene
; Romanà i Cornet, Anna M.
; Sabater, Sergi
; Muñoz Grà cia, Isabel
20 juliol 2012 |
Biofilm responses to multiple stressors associated to global change in river ecosystems |
Proia, Lorenzo
Biofilm responses to multiple stressors associated to global change in river ecosystems |
Proia, Lorenzo
20 juliol 2012 |
Biofilm responses to multiple stressors associated to global change in river ecosystems |
Proia, Lorenzo
2009 |
La biota de los rÃos: los microorganismos heterotróficos |
Romanà i Cornet, Anna M.
; Artigas Alejo, Joan
; Camacho, Antonio
; Graça, Manuel A.S.
; Pascoal, Cláudia
La biota de los rÃos: los microorganismos heterotróficos |
Romanà i Cornet, Anna M.
; Artigas Alejo, Joan
; Camacho, Antonio
; Graça, Manuel A.S.
; Pascoal, Cláudia
15 febrer 2020 |
La biota de los rÃos: los microorganismos heterotróficos |
Romanà i Cornet, Anna M.
; Artigas Alejo, Joan
; Camacho, Antonio
; Graça, Manuel A.S.
; Pascoal, Cláudia
23 setembre 1947 |
Carta de 1947-09-23 de Joaquim Gomis i Cornet des de Barcelona |
Gomis i Cornet, Joaquim
23 setembre 1947 |
Carta de 1947-09-23 de Joaquim Gomis i Cornet des de Barcelona |
Gomis i Cornet, Joaquim
9 setembre 1947 |
Carta de 1947-09-29 de Joaquim Gomis i Cornet des de Barcelona |
Gomis i Cornet, Joaquim