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S'han trobat 13810 Ãtems
Llistant Ãtems des de 1575 a 1600:
Format | Data | TÃtol | Autor |
Format | Data | TÃtol | Autor |
4 juny 2010 |
Bioinspired iron and manganese catalysts for the effective and selective oxidation of alkanes and alkenes |
Gómez MartÃn, Laura
Bioinspired iron and manganese catalysts for the effective and selective oxidation of alkanes and alkenes |
Gómez MartÃn, Laura
24 juliol 2019 |
Bioinspired iron models: from diiron complexes to supramolecular functionalized metallocavitands |
Vidal Sánchez, Diego
16 maig 2022 |
Bioinspired ligands and model substrates for the mechanistic elucidation of oxygen activation and cross-coupling reactions mediated by first-row transition metals |
Magallón Gubau, Carla
30 juliol 2024 |
Bio-inspired manganese-catalyzed asymmetric C-H oxidation: chiral pool expansion and predictive data analysis |
Palone, Andrea
3 desembre 2020 |
Bioinspired metal-based oxidants: selectivity in catalytic hydroxylation of aliphatic C-H bonds and insight into the reactivity of oxoiron species |
Dantignana, Valeria
14 juny 2013 |
Bioinspired non-heme iron catalysts for challenging oxidative transformations: mechanistic studies and catalytic applications on selective alkane hydroxylation and alkene cis-dihydroxilation |
Prat Casellas, Irene
14 juny 2013 |
Bioinspired non-heme iron catalysts for challenging oxidative transformations: mechanistic studies and catalytic applications on selective alkane hydroxylation and alkene cis-dihydroxilation |
Prat Casellas, Irene
Bioinspired non-heme iron catalysts for challenging oxidative transformations: mechanistic studies and catalytic applications on selective alkane hydroxylation and alkene cis-dihydroxilation |
Prat Casellas, Irene
gener 2017 |
Biological and clinical characteristics of invasive ductal carcinoma with lobular pattern |
RodrÃguez Rausis, Kyong Bok
Biological and clinical characteristics of invasive ductal carcinoma with lobular pattern |
RodrÃguez Rausis, Kyong Bok
29 novembre 2018 |
Biological control of quarantine bacterial plant diseases with Lactobacillus plantarum strains. Improvement of fitness and monitoring |
Daranas Boadella, Núria
11 maig 2011 |
Biological nutrient removal in SBR technology: from floccular to granular sludge |
Coma Bech, Marta
11 maig 2011 |
Biological nutrient removal in SBR technology: from floccular to granular sludge |
Coma Bech, Marta
11 maig 2011 |
Biological nutrient removal in SBR technology: from floccular to granular sludge |
Coma Bech, Marta
14 juliol 2022 |
Biomarcadors diagnòstics de disfunció miocà rdica associada a xoc sèptic: avaluació de la troponina T ultrasensible i de la hiperosmolalitat plasmà tica |
Murcia Gubianas, Cristina
setembre 2018 |
Biomarcadors moleculars no invasius pel cà ncer de pà ncrees |
Mattioli Borrull, Romana
22 abril 2022 |
Biomarcadors pronòstics de ressonà ncia magnètica en pacients amb glioblastoma de diagnòstic recent |
Gimeno Cajal, Alfredo Eduardo
28 maig 2015 |
Bioremediation of nitrate-polluted groundwater using bioelectrochemical systems |
Pous RodrÃguez, NarcÃs
28 maig 2015 |
Bioremediation of nitrate-polluted groundwater using bioelectrochemical systems |
Pous RodrÃguez, NarcÃs
28 maig 2015 |
Bioremediation of nitrate-polluted groundwater using bioelectrochemical systems |
Pous RodrÃguez, NarcÃs
Bioremediation of nitrate-polluted groundwater using bioelectrochemical systems |
Pous RodrÃguez, NarcÃs
febrer 2008 |
Biotech Girona: l’espai de la biotecnologia |
Universitat de Girona. Servei de Publicacions
novembre 2015 |
Bipolar patients with alcohol consumption will have more relapses?: a 5 year follow-up study |
Da Costa Jácome Vasconcelos, Francisca
Bipolar patients with alcohol consumption will have more relapses?: a 5 year follow-up study |
Da Costa Jácome Vasconcelos, Francisca