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151 items found

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doc icon DUGiDocs 2004 Ab initio benchmark study for the oxidative addition of CH4 to Pd: importance of basis-set flexibility and polarization Theodoor De Jong, G. ; SolĂ  i Puig, Miquel ; Visscher, Lucas T. ; Bickelhaupt, Friedrich Matthias
out url icon Recercat Ab initio benchmark study for the oxidative addition of CH4 to Pd: importance of basis-set flexibility and polarization Theodoor De Jong, G. ; SolĂ  i Puig, Miquel ; Visscher, Lucas T. ; Bickelhaupt, F. Matthias
out url icon Recercat Ab initio benchmark study for the oxidative addition of CH4 to Pd: importance of basis-set flexibility and polarization Theodoor De Jong, G. ; SolĂ  i Puig, Miquel ; Visscher, Lucas T. ; Bickelhaupt, F. Matthias
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 1 Ab initio benchmark study for the oxidative addition of CH4 to Pd: importance of basis-set flexibility and polarization
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 5 Ab initio benchmark study for the oxidative addition of CH4 to Pd: importance of basis-set flexibility and polarization Theodoor De Jong, G. ; SolĂ  i Puig, Miquel ; Visscher, Lucas T. ; Bickelhaupt, F. Matthias
doc icon DUGiDocs 2011 February 4 Analysis of chemical bonding and aromaticity from electronic delocalization descriptors Feixas Geronès, Ferran
doc icon DUGiDocs 2011 February 4 Analysis of chemical bonding and aromaticity from electronic delocalization descriptors Feixas Geronès, Ferran
out url icon Recercat Analysis of chemical bonding and aromaticity from electronic delocalization descriptors Feixas Geronès, Ferran
out url icon Recercat Analysis of cooperation and electron delocalization in intermolecular hydrogen bonds Guillaumes Domènech, Laia
doc icon DUGiDocs 2015 June 15 Analysis of cooperation and electron delocalization in intermolecular hydrogen bonds Guillaumes Domènech, Laia
out url icon DUGiDocs 2023 October 6 Analysis of creep crack growth in adhesively bonded joints under mode I loading Meulman, Edwin
out url icon Recercat The Atomic orbitals of the topological atom Ramos-Cordoba, Eloy ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro
out url icon Recercat The Atomic orbitals of the topological atom Ramos-Cordoba, Eloy ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 1 The Atomic orbitals of the topological atom
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 5 The Atomic orbitals of the topological atom Ramos-Cordoba, Eloy ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro
doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 June The Atomic orbitals of the topological atom Ramos Cordoba, Eloy ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro
doc icon DUGiDocs 1999 Basis set superposition error-counterpoise corrected potential energy surfaces : application to hydrogen peroxide ... X (X=F-, Cl-, Br-, Li+, Na+) complexes Daza, Martha C. ; Dobado, J. A. ; Molina Molina, José ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro ; Duran i Portas, Miquel ; Villaveces, José Luis
out url icon Recercat Basis set superposition error-counterpoise corrected potential energy surfaces : application to hydrogen peroxide ... X (X=F-, Cl-, Br-, Li+, Na+) complexes Daza, Martha C. ; Dobado, J. A. ; Molina Molina, José ; Salvador Sedano, Pedro ; Duran i Portas, Miquel ; Villaveces, José Luis
out url icon Recercat B-DNA structure and stability: the role of hydrogen bonding, π-π Stacking interactions, twist-angle, and solvation Poater i Teixidor, Jordi ; Swart, Marcel ; Bickelhaupt, F. Matthias ; Fonseca Guerra, Célia
out url icon Recercat B-DNA structure and stability: the role of hydrogen bonding, π-π Stacking interactions, twist-angle, and solvation Poater i Teixidor, Jordi ; Swart, Marcel ; Bickelhaupt, F. Matthias ; Fonseca Guerra, Célia
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 1 B-DNA structure and stability: the role of hydrogen bonding, π-π Stacking interactions, twist-angle, and solvation
out url icon Recercat 2018 June 5 B-DNA structure and stability: the role of hydrogen bonding, π-π Stacking interactions, twist-angle, and solvation Poater i Teixidor, Jordi ; Swart, Marcel ; Bickelhaupt, F. Matthias ; Fonseca Guerra, Célia
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 July 14 B-DNA structure and stability: the role of hydrogen bonding, π-π Stacking interactions, twist-angle, and solvation Poater i Teixidor, Jordi ; Swart, Marcel ; Bickelhaupt, F. Matthias ; Fonseca Guerra, Célia
doc icon DUGiDocs 2020 December 3 Bioinspired metal-based oxidants: selectivity in catalytic hydroxylation of aliphatic C-H bonds and insight into the reactivity of oxoiron species Dantignana, Valeria
doc icon DUGiDocs 2018 April 14 Bond behavior of NSM FRP strips in concrete under sustained loading Emara, Mohamed Reda Ali Elewa
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