2018 June 1 |
Effect of Sodium Hydroxide Treatments on the Tensile Strength and the Interphase Quality of Hemp Core Fiber-Reinforced Polypropylene Composites |
2018 June 5 |
Effect of Sodium Hydroxide Treatments on the Tensile Strength and the Interphase Quality of Hemp Core Fiber-Reinforced Polypropylene Composites |
Del Rey, Romina
; Serrat, Ramon
; Alba, Jesus
; Pérez, Ildefonso
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
; Espinach Orús, Xavier
2017 August 19 |
Effect of Sodium Hydroxide Treatments on the Tensile Strength and the Interphase Quality of Hemp Core Fiber-Reinforced Polypropylene Composites |
Del Rey, Romina
; Serrat Serra, Ramon
; Alba, Jesús
; Pérez, Ildefonso
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
; Espinach Orús, Xavier
2022 November 11 |
Effect of temperature on the flexural behavior of NSM CFRP strengthened RC beams under time-dependent loading and fatigue |
Jahani, Younes
2014 September |
Effect of tow-drop gaps on the damage resistance and tolerance of Variable-Stiffness Panels |
Falcó Salcines, Olben
; Lopes, Cláudio Saúl
; Mayugo Majó, Joan Andreu
; Gascons i Clarió, NarcÃs
; Renart Canalias, Jordi
Effect of tow-drop gaps on the damage resistance and tolerance of Variable-Stiffness Panels |
Falcó Salcines, Olben
; Lopes, Cláudio Saúl
; Mayugo Majó, Joan Andreu
; Gascons i Clarió, NarcÃs
; Renart Canalias, Jordi
Effect of tow-drop gaps on the damage resistance and tolerance of Variable-Stiffness Panels |
Falcó Salcines, Olben
; Lopes, Cláudio Saúl
; Mayugo Majó, Joan Andreu
; Gascons i Clarió, NarcÃs
; Renart Canalias, Jordi
2018 June 1 |
Effect of tow-drop gaps on the damage resistance and tolerance of Variable-Stiffness Panels |
2018 June 5 |
Effect of tow-drop gaps on the damage resistance and tolerance of Variable-Stiffness Panels |
Falcó Salcines, Olben
; Lopes, Cláudio Saúl
; Mayugo Majó, Joan Andreu
; Gascons i Clarió, NarcÃs
; Renart Canalias, Jordi
2022 June 27 |
Emulsión Pickering con nanocelulosa: una mirada a su naturaleza anfifÃlica |
Aguado, Roberto
Enzymatic Refining and Cellulose Nanofiber Addition in Papermaking Processes from Recycled and Deinked Slurries |
Delgado Aguilar, Marc
; Tarrés Farrés, Quim
; Puig Serramitja, Josep
; Boufi, Sami
; Blanco, Angeles
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
Enzymatic Refining and Cellulose Nanofiber Addition in Papermaking Processes from Recycled and Deinked Slurries |
Delgado Aguilar, Marc
; Tarrés Farrés, Quim
; Puig Serramitja, Josep
; Boufi, Sami
; Blanco, Angeles
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
2018 June 1 |
Enzymatic Refining and Cellulose Nanofiber Addition in Papermaking Processes from Recycled and Deinked Slurries |
2018 June 5 |
Enzymatic Refining and Cellulose Nanofiber Addition in Papermaking Processes from Recycled and Deinked Slurries |
Delgado Aguilar, Marc
; Tarrés Farrés, Quim
; Puig Serramitja, Josep
; Boufi, Sami
; Blanco, Angeles
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
2015 |
Enzymatic Refining and Cellulose Nanofiber Addition in Papermaking Processes from Recycled and Deinked Slurries |
Delgado Aguilar, Marc
; Tarrés Farrés, Joaquim AgustÃ
; Puig Serramitja, Josep
; Boufi, Sami
; Blanco, Angeles
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
2020 September |
Estudi bibliogrà fic compartiu sobre l’ús de fibres naturals en conglomerats a base de pastes de ciment |
Rafales Masdevall, Ivan
; Pulido Giménez, Laura
2018 February 1 |
Estudi comparatiu dels models de predicció d’obertura de fissura en estructures de formigó armat amb materials compostos (FRP) |
Fluvià Ayats, Roger
2014 June |
Estudi comparatiu entre cobertes de dipòsits d’aigua industrials de formigó armat amb acer o armat amb fibra de vidre |
MartÃnez Soler, Aina
2017 September 1 |
Estudi del comportament a flexió d’elements de formigó armats i reforçats amb materials compostos |
Bover i Pagès, Arnau
2021 September 1 |
Estudi del despreniment prematur entre fissures del reforç FRP en bigues de formigó armat |
Ribas Oliveras, MartÃ
2018 June |
Estudi dels efectes de la fibra de paper de diari al morter autoanivellant del terra radiant i als panells prefabricats de formigó |
Font del Val, Ma. Neus
2016 September |
Estudi del jute com a material de reforç en ciments |
Rossich Amorós, Aida
Estudi del jute com a material de reforç en ciments |
Rossich Amorós, Aida
2016 June |
Estudi d’unions cargolades en formigó sotmeses a fatiga |
Venancio Sánchez, Marcel
Estudi d’unions cargolades en formigó sotmeses a fatiga |
Venancio Sánchez, Marcel