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160 items found

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media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Experimental testing and numerical simulation of bearing and filled hole tension carbon specimens under dynamic loading Guerrero García, José Manuel
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Failure analysis of hybrid glass/carbon thin ply laminates subjected to tensile loading Snepsts, Alens
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Fatigue cohesive zone modelling of a benchmark test for composites under complex loading sequences resulting in non-self-similar damage evolution Leciñana Arregui, Iñaki
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Fatigue failure prediction in GFRP composite laminates: comprehensive fatigue damage model, software implementation in SAMCEF and benchmark tests Carreras, Laura
out url icon Recercat Finite-thickness cohesive elements for modeling thick adhesives Sarrado Molina, Carlos ; Leone, Frank A. ; Turon Travesa, Albert
doc icon DUGiDocs 2016 December Finite-thickness cohesive elements for modeling thick adhesives Sarrado Molina, Carlos ; Leone, Frank A. ; Turon Travesa, Albert
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Full Field Data Fusion (FFDF) to characterise subsurface defects in composite structures Dulieu-Barton, Janice M.
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Health monitoring of CFRP laminates under fatigue and fatigue after impact load via vibro-acoustic modulation measurements Willmann, Erik
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Hybridisation of carbon and natural fibers for sustainable composites in automotive applications Corvo Alguacil, Marina
doc icon DUGiDocs 2015 November 13 Hygrothermal effects on CFRP: testing, analysis and structural optimization Marín Hernández, Lorena
out url icon Recercat Hygrothermal effects on CFRP: testing, analysis and structural optimization Marín Hernández, Lorena
out url icon Recercat Hygrothermal effects on the translaminar fracture toughness of cross-ply carbon/epoxy laminates: Failure mechanisms Marín Hernández, Lorena ; González Juan, Emilio Vicente ; Maimí Vert, Pere ; Trias Mansilla, Daniel ; Camanho, Pedro Manuel Ponces Rodrigues de Castro
doc icon DUGiDocs 2016 January 18 Hygrothermal effects on the translaminar fracture toughness of cross-ply carbon/epoxy laminates: Failure mechanisms Marín Hernández, Lorena ; González Juan, Emilio Vicente ; Maimí Vert, Pere ; Trias Mansilla, Daniel ; Camanho, Pedro Manuel Ponces Rodrigues de Castro
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Identification of damage initiation and progression in open hole composites using acoustic emission and digital image correlation Chandarana, Neha
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Implementation of 3d nonlinear material model in finite element code Pupure, Liva
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Incidence of the mechanisms of damage in the scale effect of composites involving Ultra Thin Plies París Carballo, Federico
doc icon DUGiDocs 2023 May 31 Incidence of the mechanisms of damage in the scale effect of composites involving Ultra Thin Plies París, Federico
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Independent mesh method and RX-FEM modeling of 3d interlock woven composites with open hole Mollenhauer, David
doc icon DUGiDocs 2023 May 31 Independent mesh method and RX-FEM modeling of 3d interlock woven composites with open hole Hoos, Kevin H. ; Zhou, Eric ; Iarve, Endel V. ; Popelar, Carl ; Riha, David ; Mollenhauer, David H.
out url icon Recercat Influence of pre-bond moisture in the adherents on the fracture toughness of bonded joints for composite repairs Budhe, Sandip Rudha ; Rodríguez Bellido, Ana Teresa ; Renart Canalias, Jordi ; Mayugo Majó, Joan Andreu ; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 March Influence of pre-bond moisture in the adherents on the fracture toughness of bonded joints for composite repairs Budhe, Sandip Rudha ; Rodríguez Bellido, Ana Teresa ; Renart Canalias, Jordi ; Mayugo Majó, Joan Andreu ; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Influence of voids on thick DCB joint behavior Fan, Jialiang
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Investigating shear performance of PMCS Flores, Mark
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Investigation of failure mechanisms in L-angle composite laminates Bushpalli, Sindhu
media icon DUGiMedia 2023 May 31 Investigation of thickness effects in bi-axially braided glass fibre laminates using a parametrised RVE model Luplow, Tim
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