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544 items found
Showing titles from 150 to 175:
Format | Date | Title | Author |
Format | Date | Title | Author |
2014 December 1 |
Designing, testing and modelling two innovative non-conventional buckling restrained braces for seismic resistant buildings |
Piedrafita Francos, Daniel
Design and synthesis of short antimicrobial peptides for plant protection. Study of their mode of action |
Ferre Malagon, Rafael
2010 July 23 |
Design and synthesis of short antimicrobial peptides for plant protection. Study of their mode of action |
Ferre Malagon, Rafael
2023 September |
Detecció de dades anòmales en dades de cabal |
Saló Grau, Joan
2015 |
Determinants in tourist expenditure composition: the role of airline types |
Ferrer Rosell, Berta
; Coenders, GermÃ
; MartÃnez Garcia, Esther
Determinants in tourist expenditure composition: the role of airline types |
Ferrer Rosell, Berta
; Coenders, GermÃ
; MartÃnez Garcia, Esther
Determinants in tourist expenditure composition: the role of airline types |
Ferrer Rosell, Berta
; Coenders, GermÃ
; MartÃnez Garcia, Esther
Developing a desertification indicator system for a small Mediterranean catchment: a case study from the Serra de Rodes, Alt Empordà , Catalunya, NE Spain |
Dunjó Denti, Gemma
2004 March 15 |
Developing a desertification indicator system for a small Mediterranean catchment: a case study from the Serra de Rodes, Alt Empordà , Catalunya, NE Spain |
Dunjó Denti, Gemma
2018 September 7 |
Development of efficient numerical models for the simulation of low velocity impact and compression after impact on composite structures |
Soto Masip, Albert
2019 July 17 |
Development of efficient testing methods and cohesive zone models for analyzing fatigue-driven delamination in 3D laminated composite structures |
Carreras Blasco, Laura
2024 October 21 |
Development and scale-up of vacuum UV-based advanced oxidation to degrade aqueous organic micropollutants |
Kovoor George, Nimmy
2015 September |
Dinà mica dels asteroides troians |
Lauwaert Luyten, Felix
Dinà mica dels asteroides troians |
Lauwaert Luyten, Felix
2024 December 16 |
Discursos y prácticas educativas en tres modelos educativos flexibles de una institución estatal rural de Cali-Colombia y su contribución al mejoramiento de la inclusión educativa |
Sánchez, José Eduardo
2002 |
Dispersal probability distributions and the wave-front speed problem |
Méndez López, Vicenç
; Pujol i Sagaró, Toni
; Fort, Joaquim
Dispersal probability distributions and the wave-front speed problem |
Méndez López, Vicenç
; Pujol i Sagaró, Toni
; Fort, Joaquim
2018 September 1 |
Disseny i assaig d’estructures reticulars |
Casanova Guillamet, Marc
2022 June 1 |
Disseny i cà lcul d’una estructura paramètrica, tecnologies BIM |
Duran Carrera, Pau
2019 June 1 |
Disseny d’un escenari fixe amb les seves instal·lacions |
Haro Jiménez, Roger
Earth rotation effects on the internal wave field in a stratified small lake: Numerical simulations |
Forcat Torras, Francesc
; Roget, Elena
; Figueroa RodrÃguez, Jesús Manuel
; Sánchez MartÃn, Xavier
Earth rotation effects on the internal wave field in a stratified small lake: Numerical simulations |
Forcat Torras, Francesc
; Roget, Elena
; Figueroa RodrÃguez, Jesús Manuel
; Sánchez MartÃn, Xavier
2018 June 1 |
Earth rotation effects on the internal wave field in a stratified small lake: Numerical simulations |
2018 June 5 |
Earth rotation effects on the internal wave field in a stratified small lake: Numerical simulations |
Forcat Torras, Francesc
; Roget, Elena
; Figueroa RodrÃguez, Jesús Manuel
; Sánchez MartÃn, Xavier
2020 February 15 |
Earth rotation effects on the internal wave field in a stratified small lake: Numerical simulations |
Forcat Torras, Francesc
; Roget, Elena
; Figueroa RodrÃguez, Jesús Manuel
; Sánchez MartÃn, Xavier