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out url icon Recercat Information-theoretical derivation of an extended thermodynamical description of radiative systems Fort, Joaquim ; Llebot, Josep Enric
doc icon DUGiDocs 1999 Irreversible thermodynamics of Poisson processes with reaction Méndez López, Vicenç ; Fort, Joaquim
out url icon Recercat Irreversible thermodynamics of Poisson processes with reaction Méndez López, Vicenç ; Fort, Joaquim
doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 Measurement of the specific heat and determination of the thermodynamic functions of relaxed amorphous silicon Roura Grabulosa, Pere ; Taïr, Fadila ; Farjas Silva, Jordi ; Roca i Cabarrocas, Pere
out url icon Recercat Measurement of the specific heat and determination of the thermodynamic functions of relaxed amorphous silicon Roura Grabulosa, Pere ; Taïr, Fadila ; Farjas Silva, Jordi ; Roca i Cabarrocas, Pere
out url icon Recercat Measurement of the specific heat and determination of the thermodynamic functions of relaxed amorphous silicon Roura Grabulosa, Pere ; Taïr, Fadila ; Farjas Silva, Jordi ; Roca i Cabarrocas, Pere
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Measurement of the specific heat and determination of the thermodynamic functions of relaxed amorphous silicon
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Measurement of the specific heat and determination of the thermodynamic functions of relaxed amorphous silicon Roura Grabulosa, Pere ; Taïr, Fadila ; Farjas Silva, Jordi ; Roca i Cabarrocas, Pere
doc icon DUGiDocs 29 novembre 2013 Numerical modeling of anisotropic granular media Kanzaki Cabrera, Takeichi
out url icon Recercat Numerical modeling of anisotropic granular media Kanzaki Cabrera, Takeichi
doc icon DUGiDocs 1999 Predictions from information-theoretical models of nonequilibrium radiation Fort, Joaquim
out url icon Recercat Predictions from information-theoretical models of nonequilibrium radiation Fort, Joaquim
media icon DUGiMedia 6 maig 2010 Saps que hi ha materials amb memòria? Escoda i Acero, Ma. Lluïsa
doc icon DUGiDocs 1999 Second differential of the entropy as a criterion for the stability in low-dimensional climate models Pujol i Sagaró, Toni ; Llebot, Josep Enric
out url icon Recercat Second differential of the entropy as a criterion for the stability in low-dimensional climate models Pujol i Sagaró, Toni ; Llebot, Josep Enric
doc icon DUGiDocs 2003 The second law of thermodynamics and the global climate system : A review of the maximum entropy production principle Ozawa, Hisashi ; Ohmura, Atsumu ; Lorenz, Ralph D. ; Pujol i Sagaró, Toni
out url icon Recercat The second law of thermodynamics and the global climate system : A review of the maximum entropy production principle Ozawa, Hisashi ; Ohmura, Atsumu ; Lorenz, Ralph D. ; Pujol i Sagaró, Toni
doc icon DUGiDocs 2002 States of maximum entropy production in a onedimensional vertical model with convective adjustment Pujol i Sagaró, Toni ; Fort, Joaquim
out url icon Recercat States of maximum entropy production in a onedimensional vertical model with convective adjustment Pujol i Sagaró, Toni ; Fort, Joaquim
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