
Llistar Títols per Matèria "Incertesa"

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doc icon DUGiDocs 28 abril 2000 Application of modal interval analysis to the simulation of the behaviour of dynamic systems with uncertain parameters Armengol Llobet, Joaquim
out url icon Recercat Application of modal interval analysis to the simulation of the behaviour of dynamic systems with uncertain parameters Armengol Llobet, Joaquim
out url icon Recercat Calorific value and compositional ultimate analysis with a case study of a Texas lignite Olea, Ricardo A. ; Luppens, James A. ; Egozcue, Juan José ; Pawlowsky-Glahn, Vera
doc icon DUGiDocs 15 maig 2016 Calorific value and compositional ultimate analysis with a case study of a Texas lignite Olea, Ricardo A. ; Luppens, James A. ; Egozcue, Juan José ; Pawlowsky-Glahn, Vera
doc icon DUGiDocs 28 abril 2008 Conceptual design of wastewater treatment plants using multiple objectives Flores Alsina, Xavier
out url icon Recercat Conceptual design of wastewater treatment plants using multiple objectives Flores Alsina, Xavier
doc icon DUGiDocs 14 desembre 2016 Decision-support for adaptive and sustainable urban wastewater system management in the face of uncertainty Hadjimichael, Antonia
doc icon DUGiDocs 5 novembre 2020 Design and implementation of an environmental decision support system for the control and management of drinking water treatment plants Godo Pla, Lluís
doc icon DUGiDocs 21 gener 2019 Environmental and socio-economical assessment of measures to reduce pharmaceuticals in rivers Gimeno Melià, Vicent Pau
doc icon DUGiDocs 27 juliol 2018 Foundations of uncertainty management for text-based sentiment prediction Hossayni, Sayyed Ali
doc icon DUGiDocs 17 juny 2016 Modal interval based package for robust control Ferrer Mallorquí, Inès
out url icon Recercat Modal interval based package for robust control Ferrer Mallorquí, Inès
out url icon DUGiDocs 12 abril 2024 On the generation of design allowables of composite coupons accounting for defects using a multi-fidelity approach Vallmajó Martín, Oriol
doc icon DUGiDocs octubre 2022 Online Mapping and Motion Planning Under Uncertainty for Safe Navigation in Unknown Environments Pairet Artau, Èric ; Hernández Vega, Juan David ; Carreras Pérez, Marc ; Petillot, Yvan R. ; Lahijanian, Morteza
doc icon DUGiDocs 22 juliol 2011 Prediction of postprandial blood glucose under intra-patient variability and uncertainty and its use in the design of insulin dosing strategies for type 1 diabetic patients García Jaramillo, Maira Alejandra
doc icon DUGiDocs 22 juliol 2011 Prediction of postprandial blood glucose under intra-patient variability and uncertainty and its use in the design of insulin dosing strategies for type 1 diabetic patients García Jaramillo, Maira Alejandra
out url icon Recercat Prediction of postprandial blood glucose under intra-patient variability and uncertainty and its use in the design of insulin dosing strategies for type 1 diabetic patients García Jaramillo, Maira Alejandra
doc icon DUGiDocs 29 maig 2009 A proposal for the diagnosis of uncertain dynamic systems based on interval models Gelso, Esteban Reinaldo
out url icon Recercat A proposal for the diagnosis of uncertain dynamic systems based on interval models Gelso, Esteban Reinaldo
doc icon DUGiDocs 17 febrer 2011 Robustness on resource allocation problems Muñoz Solà, Víctor
out url icon Recercat Robustness on resource allocation problems Muñoz Solà, Víctor
doc icon DUGiDocs febrer 2009 Tecnologia: Imprevistos i incertesa tècnica Vilardell i Coderch, Pere ; Llorens Sulivera, Miquel ; Martín Fernández, Josep Antoni ; Ribera Roget, Albert ; Llop, Miquel ; Fàbregas i Alcaire, Martí
media icon DUGiMedia 12 maig 2023 The Uncertain Judge & Its Implications M. Cox, Courtney
doc icon DUGiDocs 25 març 2021 Underwater image-based 3D reconstruction with quality estimation Istenič, Klemen

