Analysis and occurrence of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in airborne particles |
Salgueiro-González, N.
; López de Alda, Miren
; Muniategui-Lorenzo, S.
; Prada-Rodríguez, D.
; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
2015 |
Analysis and occurrence of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in airborne particles |
Salgueiro-González, Noelia
; López de Alda, Miren
; Muniategui, Soledad
; Prada-Rodríguez, Dario
; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
11 febrer 2011 |
Analytical strategies based on inductively coupled plasma sprectroscopy (ICP) and diffusive gradients in thin fims (DGT) techniques for the assessment of environmental pollution indicators |
Colon i Bosch, Mireia
Analytical strategies based on inductively coupled plasma sprectroscopy (ICP) and diffusive gradients in thin fims (DGT) techniques for the assessment of environmental pollution indicators |
Colon i Bosch, Mireia
Assessment of wastewater phytotechnologies for the attenuation of emerging organic contaminants and development of innovative analytical methods for their determination |
Garcia Rodríguez, Aida
23 setembre 2016 |
Assessment of wastewater phytotechnologies for the attenuation of emerging organic contaminants and development of innovative analytical methods for their determination |
Garcia-Rodríguez, Aida
Attenuation of pharmaceuticals and their transformation products in a wastewater treatment plant and its receiving river ecos |
Aymerich, I.
; Acuña i Salazar, Vicenç
; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
; García-Galán, Maria Jesús
; Petrović, Mira
; Poch, Manuel
; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara
; Rodríguez-Roda Layret, Ignasi
; Sabater, Sergi
; von Schiller, Daniel
; Corominas Tabares, Lluís
setembre 2016 |
Attenuation of pharmaceuticals and their transformation products in a wastewater treatment plant and its receiving river ecos |
Aymerich Blazquez, Ignasi
; Acuña i Salazar, Vicenç
; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
; García-Galán, Maria Jesús
; Petrović, Mira
; Poch, Manuel
; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara
; Rodríguez-Roda Layret, Ignasi
; Sabater, Sergi
; von Schiller, Daniel
; Corominas Tabares, Lluís
juliol 2024 |
Avaluació de l’eficiència de sistemes de tractament terciaris basats en la natura : eliminació de contaminants emergents |
Sorroche Bonet, Judith
24 març 2022 |
Benvinguda a la 1a Jornada Campus Aigua: Recerca i Territori |
Fontàs Rigau, Clàudia
Bioaccumulation and trophic magnification of pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptors in a Mediterranean river food web |
Ruhí i Vidal, Albert
; Acuña i Salazar, Vicenç
; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
; Huerta Buitrago, Belinda
; Mor, Jordi Rene
; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara
; Sabater, Sergi
1 gener 2016 |
Bioaccumulation and trophic magnification of pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptors in a Mediterranean river food web |
Ruhí i Vidal, Albert
; Acuña i Salazar, Vicenç
; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
; Huerta Buitrago, Belinda
; Mor Roy, Jordi-René
; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara
; Sabater, Sergi
28 gener 2019 |
Characterization of dissolved organic matter in wastewater using liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry |
Verkh, Yaroslav
The chemical composition of exhausted coffee waste |
Pujol Oriola, David
; Liu, Chang
; Gominho, Jorge
; Olivella Costa, Àngels
; Fiol Santaló, Núria
; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel
; Pereira, Helena
2013 |
The chemical composition of exhausted coffee waste |
Pujol Oriola, David
; Liu, Chang
; Gominho, Jorge
; Olivella Costa, Àngels
; Fiol Santaló, Núria
; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel
; Pereira, Helena
Combined Analysis of the Short-Term Effects of Photochemical Air Pollutants on Mortality within the EMECAM Project |
Sáez Zafra, Marc
; Ballester, Ferran
; Barceló Rado, María Antonia
; Pérez Hoyos, Santiago
; Bellido, Juan
; Tenías, José María
; Ocaña, Ricardo
; Figueiras, Adolfo
; Arribas, Federico
; Aragonés, Nuria
; Tobías, Aurelio
; Cirera, Lluís
; Cañada, Álvaro
Combined Analysis of the Short-Term Effects of Photochemical Air Pollutants on Mortality within the EMECAM Project |
Sáez Zafra, Marc
; Ballester, Ferran
; Barceló Rado, María Antonia
; Pérez Hoyos, Santiago
; Bellido, Juan
; Tenías, José María
; Ocaña, Ricardo
; Figueiras, Adolfo
; Arribas, Federico
; Aragonés, Nuria
; Tobías, Aurelio
; Cirera, Lluís
; Cañada, Álvaro
2002 |
Combined Analysis of the Short-Term Effects of Photochemical Air Pollutants on Mortality within the EMECAM Project |
Sáez Zafra, Marc
; Ballester, Ferran
; Barceló Rado, María Antonia
; Pérez Hoyos, Santiago
; Bellido, Juan
; Tenías, José María
; Ocaña, Ricardo
; Figueiras, Adolfo
; Arribas, Federico
; Aragonés, Nuria
; Tobías, Aurelio
; Cirera, Lluís
; Cañada, Álvaro
2001 |
Comparing meta-analysis and ecological-longitudinal analysis in time-series studies: a case study of the effects of air pollution on mortality in three Spanish cities |
Sáez Zafra, Marc
; Figueiras, Adolfo
; Ballester, Ferran
; Pérez Hoyos, Santiago
; Ocaña, Ricardo
; Tobías, Aurelio
Comparing meta-analysis and ecological-longitudinal analysis in time-series studies: a case study of the effects of air pollution on mortality in three Spanish cities |
Sáez Zafra, Marc
; Figueiras, Adolfo
; Ballester, Ferran
; Pérez Hoyos, Santiago
; Ocaña, Ricardo
; Tobías, Aurelio
Comparing meta-analysis and ecological-longitudinal analysis in time-series studies: a case study of the effects of air pollution on mortality in three Spanish cities |
Sáez Zafra, Marc
; Figueiras, Adolfo
; Ballester, Ferran
; Pérez Hoyos, Santiago
; Ocaña, Ricardo
; Tobías, Aurelio
18 setembre 2010 |
Contaminantes químicos y fisiología de los organismos marinos. El fenómeno de disrupción endocrina en el medio acuático: evidencias y mecanismos |
Porte, Cinta
setembre 2015 |
Contaminants emergents en la priorització de les aportacions d’aigües residuals en una estació depuradora |
Bartholomew, Emily-Rebecca
Contaminants emergents en la priorització de les aportacions d’aigües residuals en una estació depuradora |
Bartholomew, Emily-Rebecca
19 setembre 2009 |
Contaminants orgànics persistents a la cadena alimentària. Impacte sobre la salut humana |
Llobet, Joan M.