Llistar Títols per Matèria "Submarino"
S'han trobat 22 ítems
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Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
21 juny 2019 |
Advanced underwater vehicle manipulation through real-time motion planning |
Youakim Isaac, Dina Nagui
28 març 2014 |
Automated underwater object classification using optical imagery |
Shihavuddin, A.S.M.
Automated underwater object classification using optical imagery |
Shihavuddin, A.S.M.
25 abril 2014 |
Coverage path planning for autonomous underwater vehicles |
Galceran Yebenes, Enric
Coverage path planning for autonomous underwater vehicles |
Galceran Yebenes, Enric
19 octubre 2023 |
Enhancing the AUV long-term deployment: non-holonomic AUV autonomous docking using acoustics in a funnel-shaped docking station |
Esteba Masjuan, Joan
9 juliol 2024 |
Enhancing underwater operations through advanced autonomous manipulation |
Pi Roig, Roger
2 maig 2013 |
Image blending techniques and their application in underwater mosaicing |
Prados Gutiérrez, Ricard
Image blending techniques and their application in underwater mosaicing |
Prados Gutiérrez, Ricard
19 desembre 2011 |
A mission control system for an autonomous underwater vehicle |
Palomeras Rovira, Narcís
A mission control system for an autonomous underwater vehicle |
Palomeras Rovira, Narcís
28 novembre 2019 |
Online 3D view planning for autonomous underwater exploration |
Vidal Garcia, Eduard
15 novembre 2018 |
Online acoustic localization methods for autonomous underwater vehicles |
Vallicrosa Massaguer, Guillem
Path planning with homotopic constraints for autonomous underwater vehicles |
Hernàndez Bes, Emili
15 juny 2012 |
Path planning with homotopic constraints for autonomous underwater vehicles |
Hernàndez Bes, Emili
21 juliol 2017 |
Robot learning applied to autonomous underwater vehicles for intervention tasks |
Carrera Viñas, Arnau
Robot learning applied to autonomous underwater vehicles for intervention tasks |
Carrera Viñas, Arnau
Robot learning applied to autonomous underwater vehicles for intervention tasks |
Carrera Viñas, Arnau
Robot learning applied to autonomous underwater vehicles for intervention tasks |
Carrera Viñas, Arnau
Simultaneous localization and mapping using single cluster probability hypothesis density filters |
Lee, Chee Sing
1 setembre 2015 |
Simultaneous localization and mapping using single cluster probability hypothesis density filters |
Lee, Chee Sing
25 març 2021 |
Underwater image-based 3D reconstruction with quality estimation |
Istenič, Klemen