2019 September 1 |
Disseny i fabricació de materials compostos de PHA’s totalment biodegradables reforçats amb residus agrÃcoles |
Oller MartÃnez, Ariadna
2021 September 1 |
Estudi de la viabilitat de la impressió 3D amb material compòsit de matriu de PLA |
Arroyo Moreno, SÃlvia
2017 October 18 |
Evaluation of thermal and thermomechanical behaviour of bio-based polyamide 11 based composites reinforced with lignocellulosic fibres |
Oliver-Ortega, Helena
; Alberto Méndez, José
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
; Tarrés Farrés, Joaquim AgustÃ
; Espinach, Francesc Xavier
; Ardanuy Raso, Mònica
Evaluation of thermal and thermomechanical behaviour of bio-based polyamide 11 based composites reinforced with lignocellulosic fibres |
Oliver-Ortega, Helena
; Alberto Méndez, José
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
; Tarrés Farrés, Joaquim AgustÃ
; Espinach, Francesc Xavier
; Ardanuy Raso, Mònica
Evaluation of thermal and thermomechanical behaviour of bio-based polyamide 11 based composites reinforced with lignocellulosic fibres |
Oliver-Ortega, Helena
; Alberto Méndez, José
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
; Tarrés Farrés, Joaquim AgustÃ
; Espinach, Francesc Xavier
; Ardanuy Raso, Mònica
Evaluation of thermal and thermomechanical behaviour of bio-based polyamide 11 based composites reinforced with lignocellulosic fibres |
Oliver-Ortega, Helena
; Alberto Méndez, José
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
; Tarrés Farrés, Joaquim AgustÃ
; Espinach, Francesc Xavier
; Ardanuy Raso, Mònica
2018 June 5 |
Evaluation of thermal and thermomechanical behaviour of bio-based polyamide 11 based composites reinforced with lignocellulosic fibres |
Oliver-Ortega, Helena
; Alberto Méndez, José
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
; Tarrés Farrés, Joaquim AgustÃ
; Espinach, Francesc Xavier
; Ardanuy Raso, Mònica
2020 February 15 |
Evaluation of thermal and thermomechanical behaviour of bio-based polyamide 11 based composites reinforced with lignocellulosic fibres |
Oliver Ortega, Helena
; Alberto Méndez, José
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
; Tarrés Farrés, Joaquim AgustÃ
; Espinach Orús, Xavier
; Ardanuy Raso, Mònica
2020 September 1 |
Fabricació de materials compostos biodegrables per aplicacions barrera en embalatges d’un sol ús |
MartÃnez i Vecino, Marc
2020 December 1 |
Fabricació de materials compostos biodegradables per aplicacions agrÃcoles |
Geli Trulls, Tomà s
2018 July 20 |
Materiales compuestos de una poliamida de origen renovable y fibras naturales de alto rendimiento: una sólida alternativa a los materiales compuestos de polipropileno reforzados con fibra de vidrio |
Oliver Ortega, Helena
2022 September 1 |
Optimització del procés de fabricació de materials bicomponents mitjançant la tecnologia FDM |
MartÃnez i Vecino, Marc
Reducing the Amount of Catalyst in TEMPO-Oxidized Cellulose Nanofibers: Effect on Properties and Cost |
Serra Bruns, Albert
; González Tovar, Israel
; Oliver-Ortega, Helena
; Tarrés Farrés, Joaquim AgustÃ
; Delgado Aguilar, Marc
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
Reducing the Amount of Catalyst in TEMPO-Oxidized Cellulose Nanofibers: Effect on Properties and Cost |
Serra Bruns, Albert
; González Tovar, Israel
; Oliver-Ortega, Helena
; Tarrés Farrés, Joaquim AgustÃ
; Delgado Aguilar, Marc
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
Reducing the Amount of Catalyst in TEMPO-Oxidized Cellulose Nanofibers: Effect on Properties and Cost |
Serra Bruns, Albert
; González Tovar, Israel
; Oliver-Ortega, Helena
; Tarrés Farrés, Joaquim AgustÃ
; Delgado Aguilar, Marc
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
2018 June 5 |
Reducing the Amount of Catalyst in TEMPO-Oxidized Cellulose Nanofibers: Effect on Properties and Cost |
Serra Bruns, Albert
; González Tovar, Israel
; Oliver-Ortega, Helena
; Tarrés Farrés, Joaquim AgustÃ
; Delgado Aguilar, Marc
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
2020 February 15 |
Reducing the Amount of Catalyst in TEMPO-Oxidized Cellulose Nanofibers: Effect on Properties and Cost |
Serra Bruns, Albert
; González Tovar, Israel
; Oliver Ortega, Helena
; Tarrés Farrés, Joaquim AgustÃ
; Delgado Aguilar, Marc
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
2017 October 26 |
Reducing the Amount of Catalyst in TEMPO-Oxidized Cellulose Nanofibers: Effect on Properties and Cost |
Serra Bruns, Albert
; González Tovar, Israel
; Oliver Ortega, Helena
; Tarrés Farrés, Joaquim AgustÃ
; Delgado Aguilar, Marc
; Mutjé Pujol, Pere