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95 items found
Showing titles from 75 to 95:
Format | Date | Title | Author |
Format | Date | Title | Author |
2018 June 5 |
Predicción de dependencia en ancianos atendidos en atención primaria = Prediction of dependency in the elderly attended in primary health care |
Puigvert Vilalta, Margarita
; Martà Lluch, Ruth
; Ponjoan, Anna
; Ramos Blanes, Rafel
Processament de la informació en nens de pre-escolar de les comarques gironines. Implicacions pedagògiques |
Timoneda Gallart, Carme
1994 June 3 |
Processament de la informació en nens de pre-escolar de les comarques gironines. Implicacions pedagògiques |
Timoneda Gallart, Carme
2021 June 4 |
Projecte educatiu-formatiu dirigit a mestres d’educació primà ria entorn la neuroeducació i la consciència emocional de l’infant. Presentació del projecte basat en neuroeducació: Formem-nos per acompanyar el cervell i el cor |
Pons MarÃn, Andrea
2013 July 18 |
Projecte EM-Line!: programa de rehabilitación cognitiva para pacientes afectados de esclerosis múltiple |
Gich Fullà , Jordi
Projecte EM-Line!: programa de rehabilitación cognitiva para pacientes afectados de esclerosis múltiple |
Gich Fullà , Jordi
2024 |
Relations between Executive Functions and different levels of Theory of Mind in children |
Serrano Ortiz, Jèssica
; Rostán Sánchez, Carles
; Sidera Caballero, Francesc
; Serrat Sellabona, Elisabet
2023 |
Ser subestimats o sobreestimats per la nostra autopercepció: l’efecte Dunning-Kruger |
Ize Ortega, Martina
2019 February 20 |
Sintaxis neuronal y sintaxis lingüÃstica. Implementación cerebral de las estructuras sintácticas |
RamÃrez Fernández, Javier
2020 October 8 |
The socio-cognitive dimension of water: the case of politicisation of water in Barcelona |
Popartan, Lucia Alexandra
2010 |
Socio-Cultural Transformation and the Promotion of Learning |
GarcÃa, RocÃo
; Mircea, Teodor
; Duque Sánchez, Elena
Socio-Cultural Transformation and the Promotion of Learning |
GarcÃa, RocÃo
; Mircea, Teodor
; Duque Sánchez, Elena
Socio-Cultural Transformation and the Promotion of Learning |
GarcÃa, RocÃo
; Mircea, Teodor
; Duque Sánchez, Elena
2018 June 1 |
Socio-Cultural Transformation and the Promotion of Learning |
2018 June 5 |
Socio-Cultural Transformation and the Promotion of Learning |
GarcÃa, RocÃo
; Mircea, Teodor
; Duque Sánchez, Elena
2020 February 15 |
Socio-Cultural Transformation and the Promotion of Learning |
GarcÃa, RocÃo
; Mircea, Teodor
; Duque Sánchez, Elena
2023 September |
¿Somos como aprendemos?: Estudio de la influencia de la personalidad y la motivación en el aprendizaje del español como segunda lengua |
Gimeno Gómez, Cecilia
2023 June 14 |
Study of two analogues of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide as novel therapeutic compounds for Huntington’s disease |
Solés Tarrés, Irene
2019 February 28 |
Therapeutic potential of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide and epigallocatechin gallate in motor and cognitive deficits of Huntington’s disease models |
Cabezas Llobet, Núria
2022 November 18 |
Three essays on hard skills, soft skills, risk attitudes and entrepreneurship |
Correa Pinzón, John Enrique